论文编号:JD699 论文字数:28307,页数:49
摘 要
激光打标机是在激光焊接、激光热处理、激光切割、激光打孔等应用技术之后发展起来的一门新型非接触、无污染、无磨损的加工技术。目前,在激光打标系统中,硬件控制电路都是基于计算机ISA 总线或者PCI 总线而设计的,必须安装在计算机主板的ISA总线或PCI总线扩展槽中。因此整个系统庞大,沉重,在调试、使用中不方便,而且,硬件安装于计算机主板上,降低了打标系统的稳定性。为此本文给出一种新的不依赖于计算机ISA总线和PCI总线的嵌入式激光打标控制器。
本文首先对激光打标系统进行分类介绍,并阐述了激光打标系统的一般组成和国内外激光打标的现状,在分析了几种常见的计算机与外设接口的特征后,提出了USB2.0接口激光打标控制器的设计思想。本文在介绍了USB2.0通信协议以后,决定采用Cypress公司的EZ-USB FX2来建立上位机与DSP的通信平台,并设计了FX2与DSP的通行接口和相关的固件程序框架。
关键词:激光打标; 控制器; USB2.0; DSP; 串行D/A转换
The laser marking machine is a new marking technique that is developed after the laser welding, laser heat treatment, laser cutting, drilling and other applications of laser technology. It is no touching, no polluting and no wearing. Recently, the hardware circuit board must be plugged in the ISA bus or PCI bus of computer main board in the laser marking system.So the system is large, heavy and inconvenient in debugging or use and reduces the marking system stability. So a new embedded Laser Marking controller that is independent of ISA or PCI bus was designed in this paper.
Firstly, classified laser marking system, the general composition and the laser marking situation at the domestic and foreign presently were introduced in this paper. After having analyzed several kinds of common computer peripheral device and connection characteristics, the design concept of using USB2.0 was proposed to the Laser marking controllers. The paper decided to use the Cypress Corporation''s EZ-USB FX2 to establish the superior machine and the DSP communications platform after presenting the USB2.0 communication protocol , and then designed FX2 and the DSP general connection,finally proposed the related firmware program frame.
The system will apply TMS320C6211 as the motion control board control chips, which runs at the full speed performance up to 1333 MIPS and extend the maximum storage of 512 MB. It has very good performance of data transmission, computing and image storage capabilities. The paper focused on achieving the DSP minimum system and the expansion of memory chips. Finally ADI Corporation 16 serial bit D/A transformation chip DA5061 was used to realize with the DSP connection, and then the analogue output voltage could accurately control stepper motor work.
Key words: Laser Marking; Controller; USB2.0; DSP; Serial D/A Transformation
目 录
1 绪 论 1
1.1 激光打标概述 1
1.2 激光标刻机的分类 1
1.2.1 掩模式打标系统 2
1.2.2 阵列式打标系统 2
1.2.3 扫描式打标系统 2
1.3 激光打标系统的一般组成 3
1.4 国内外激光打标的市场现状 4
1.5 研究课题内容和意义 6
2 激光打标运动控制卡接口设计 7
2.1 常见计算机接口 7
2.2 USB2.0通讯协议 8
2.2.1 USB的总线拓扑体系 8
2.2.2 USB数据传输格式 9
2.2.3 USB总线传输 11
2.3 USB2.0接口控制芯片 13
2.3.1 控制芯片选型 13
2.3.2 EZ-USB FX2芯片资源介绍 15
2.3.3 USB.2.0接口模式的设计 16
2.4 USB2.0固件开发 19
2.4.1 USB2.0固件整体描述 19
2.4.2 固件程序框架设计 20
3 运动控制卡控制单元设计 22
3.1 控制器硬件组成及工作原理 22
3.2 DSP芯片的概述 22
3.2.1 主要DSP芯片厂商及其产品 23
3.2.2 DSP芯片的选型参数 24
3.3 DSP控制单元设计 26
3.3.1 TMS320C6211 DSP的结构特点 26
3.3.2 最小系统设计 29
3.3.3 DSP外设接口设计 32
4 D/A转换单元设计 35
4.1 D/A转换的基本原理 35
4.2 转换方式 36
4.3 D/A转换芯片性能参数 37
4.4 D/A接口硬件设计 37
5 结束语 39
参考文献 41
致 谢 43
附 录 44