论文编号:DSZP038 论文字数:8426,页数:12 附任务书,开题报告,中期检查表,指导记录,答辩表
Abstract:Public service ads is that the public benefit and enhance the benefits designed ads; is business or social organizations to clarify its social functions and responsibilities, and it''''s not just that it is from the pursuit of profit, and is intimately involved and participate in how to address social and environmental problems the intent of ads, which refers to the public interest and social customs services. It has society''''s benefit, the subject feasibility and the performance summons three major characteristics. The public service advertizing usually does by the government Department concerned, the advertisement company and the partial enterprises also participated in the public service advertizing subsidization, or handles completely by them. They while made the public service advertizing also to enhance enterprise''''s image, has demonstrated enterprise''''s idea to the society. This article through carries on the analysis to the medicine six factory''''s public service advertizing strategies, understood that the public service advertizing regarding the improvement company society image, enhances, the foundation brand value, mold modern enterprise image the aspect and so on fine reputation promotions to do uses.
Keywords:Public service advertizing; Social image; Enterprise image; Brand value
目 录
一.绪论 1
(一)研究背景 1
(二)研究意义 1
二.企业塑造品牌的方式 1
(一)通过社会公益事业塑造品牌形象 2
(二)提高企业产品服务质量 2
(三)通过电视公益广告这一媒介打造品牌 2
三.电视公益广告在塑造企业品牌形象中的优势 2
(一)降低企业支出 3
(二)公益广告的公关效果 3
(三)塑造企业品牌形象 3
(四)企业自身的环境生存需要 3
四.电视公益广告为企业树立品牌形象的连锁价值分析 3
(一)树立社会形象 3
(二)电视公益广告是企业的经济效益助推器 4
(三)电视台的品牌提升 4
五.企业如何利用电视公益广告的价值来提升自己的品牌知名度 4
(一)电视公益广告的价值体现 5
(二)企业利用公益广告提高品牌形象的方式 5
六.企业对电视公益广告使用的原则 6
七.结论 6
致谢 8
主要参考文献: 9