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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD896  附开题报告,任务书,文献综述,论文字数:11438,页数:26

摘    要


Automatic water-saving irrigation techniques represent the level of development of the modernization of agriculture, irrigation systems, low level of automation is constraining the development of China''s main reason for high-efficiency agriculture. This article studied this issue MCU drip of water-saving irrigation system, which can be of different soil moisture monitoring, and in accordance with the crops on soil moisture requirements of timely and adequate irrigation, constitute the core of which is single-chip control some, mainly on soil moisture and the relationship between irrigation, irrigation control technology and equipment, system hardware, software, programming the various parts of an in-depth research.
SCM Singlechip optional part of the hardware part of STC12C2052AD as the core, mainly by soil moisture sensors, display circuit, the output control circuit, such as composition, choice of C language programming software. System has the following functions can be provided in single-chip control buttons to set the requirements of soil moisture, crop-related parameters; Singlechip soil moisture sensor can be detected in the soil moisture analog to digital volume, shown in the digital tube, the At the same time, this humidity value of single-chip chip set humidity values, when collected humidity Humidity is lower than the set value, the part of the implementation of control circuit for irrigation; when collected humidity humidity values higher than the set value, the control circuit to stop the implementation of parts of irrigation.
The system is flexible, easy-to-use, high reliability, there will be a broader development prospects.

Key Words:Water-saving irrigation; Singlechip; Humidity sensor
目    录

摘    要 I
Abstract II
引    言 1
1 微灌节水系统的总体设计  4
1.1微灌技术简介  4
1.2滴灌灌溉制度的拟定 4
1.3滴灌系统简介  5
1.4 单片机系统控制简图  5
2 主要器件选取 6
2.1 单片机的选取 6
2.2 土壤湿度传感器的选取 7
3 系统主要硬件电路设计 7
3.1 单片机系统电路 7
3.2 LED显示系统电路 9
3.3 系统驱动电路  12
4 系统软件设计   13
4.1主程序 13
4.2采样且数据处理程序 13
4.3 LED显示子程序  14
4.4 按键子程序  16
4.5 定时/计数器子程序  18
5 抗干扰技术  19
5.1硬件抗干扰措施  19
5.2 软件抗干扰措施  20
结    论 21
参 考 文 献 22
致    谢 23

  • 上一篇资讯: 数字式温度计的设计
  • 下一篇资讯: 电子时钟的设计
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