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论文编号:JD822  论文字数:7772,页数:24

摘  要: 本应用主要利用16位单片机SPCE061A作为控制器,电容式湿度传感器HS1101作为测量湿度方案的湿度监测仪的设计。其基本原理是当环境湿度发生改变时,湿敏电容的介电常数发生变化,使其电容量也发生变化,其电容变化量与相对湿度成正比,从而根据电容值计算得到湿度值。该湿度监测仪具有语音播放功能,利用按键控制湿度的测量和湿度值的实时播放。精度准,测量速度快,及其易操作性,可广泛应用于工农业生产、气象、环保等部门,为人们生产生活提供便利。
关键词: SPCA061A;HS1101;监测仪;硬件系统

The Research of Humidity Sensor Application in the Crop Growth Environmental Parameter Monitor
Abstract: This paper introduce a measuring humidity monitoring program design,16-bit single-chip SPCE061A microcomputer as the controller, capacitive humidity sensor HS1101 as measuring humidity program .The basic principle of the design is that the  dielectric constant of the humidity capacitance changes when the humidity in environment changes, while it is also a change in capacitance . the capacitance change is directly proportional to the amount and relative humidity, so the humidity value ia calculated  according  to the value of the capacitance. The humidity monitoring device with voice playback function can  use the keys to control the measure  of the humidity and the value in real-time broadcast. Because of the advantage such as Prospective accuracy, rapid measurement speed, and easy interoperability, can be widely used in industrial and agricultural production, meteorological, and environmental protection sectors, and supply the convenince to people for producting and living.
Key words: SPCA061A; HS1101; Monitor; hardware system

摘  要 I
Abstract I
1引言 1
1.1设计目标: 1
1.2  系统参数 1
2系统硬件设计 1
2.1  SPCE061A芯片简介 2
2.2  湿度测量 3
2.2.1湿度定义 3
2.2.2湿度测量方法 3
2.2.3电子式湿度传感器 4
2.2.4 HS1101简介 5
2.2.5 湿度测量电路模块 7
2.3 按键电路 8
2.4语音输出 8
3  系统软件设计 9
3.1 主程序 9
3.2  按键扫描模块 10
3.3  湿度测量程序流程图 11
3.4语音播放任意整数数据程序 12
3.5 中断服务程序流程图 13
4、结语 15
参考文献 15
谢   辞 16
附录:程序 17

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