论文字数:12319,页数:33 论文编号:JD478
摘 要:此设计利用晶闸管、二极管等器件设计了一个转速、电流双闭环直流晶闸管调速系统。该系统中设置了电流检测环节、电流调节器以及转速检测环节、转速调节器,构成了电流环和转速环,前者通过电流元件的反馈作用稳定电流,后者通过转速检测元件的反馈作用保持转速稳定,最终消除转速偏差,从而使系统达到调节电流和转速的目的。该系统起动时,转速外环饱和不起作用,电流内环起主要作用,调节起动电流保持最大值,使转速线性变化,迅速达到给定值;稳态运行时,转速负反馈外环起主要作用,使转速随转速给定电压的变化而变化,电流内环跟随转速外环调节电机的电枢电流以平衡负载电流。系统稳态无静差,电流超调量,空载起动到额定转速时的转速超调量。
Abstract: The design uses thyristors, diodes and other devices designs a speed, current double-loop SCR DC converter system. The system sets up the current detecting aspect, the current regulator ACR and the speed detecting link, speed regulator ASR, composes the current central and the speed central, the former through the feedback of the current components to level off the current, the latter through the feedback of speed detecting device to maintain the speed stably and finally eliminates the deviation of speed bias.,thus allowing the system to the purpose of regulating the current and speed. when the system starts, the speed outer ring saturats non-functional, the current inner ring plays a major role to regulate the starting current to maintain the maximum so that the speed linear change, to reach a given value; when it operates steadily, the speed negative feedback from the outer ring plays a major role ,to let the speed changes with the given speed voltage , at the same time the current inner ring regulates the armature current of motor adjustment to balance the load current. when operating steadily ,the system without static error, current overshoot volume is less than , when starting to the rated speed with no load ,the speed overshoot volume is less than .
Keywords: Double-loop, thyristors, the speed regulator, the current regulator
目 录
1前言 1
2总体方案设计 2
2.1方案比较 2
2.2方案论证 3
2.3方案选择 3
3单元模块设计 5
3.1主电路—晶闸管整流电路的设计 6
3.2系统稳态设计 7
3.2.1电流检测环节的设计 7
3.2.2转速检测环节的设计 8
3.2.3系统稳态参数计算 8
3.3系统动态设计 10
3.3.1电流调节器的设计 11
3.3.2转速调节器的设计 14
3.3.3整体参数计算 18
4系统仿真 23
5系统功能、指标参数 27
5.1系统功能 27
5.2指标参数 27
5.3系统功能及指标参数分析 27
6总结与体会 28
7谢辞 29
8参考文献 30
9附录:双闭环直流晶闸管调速系统总图 31