论文编号:JD742 论文字数:5837,页数:24
关键词: 整流 稳压 滤波 数控 电压源
Abstract: This paper described the power supply design process. With electrical appliances, there is the power supply. All electronic equipment is essential for reliable power supply. Modern electronic equipment in the circuit using a large number of semiconductor devices, semiconductor volts to a few tens of volts of DC power, in order to obtain required by the normal energy. Some of these chemical DC power supply, such as batteries and used batteries, but these can not be sustained in power. Most of the DC power electronic equipment will be methods are the AC power transformer rectifier, filter, regulator, etc. transform the required DC voltage. Completion of this task transform power into DC power supply. The programme through the transformer transformer, through the rectifier circuit filter circuit which will be AC into DC, and the adoption of the regulation by regulators more stable voltage, input voltage regulator when it can only be fixed when the voltage difference within the scope of regulation of the output voltage, and therefore out of voltage difference in the scope of automatic Diaodang, it is through the two comparator output voltage and the reference voltage comparison, and through the counter counting function control relay controller The input to determine the size of the output voltage at which the scope, and then automatically Diaodang. Finally,the regulator output voltage protection circuit through final output.
Key words: Rectifier Regulators Filtering NC Voltage Source
目 录
1 前言 4
2.总体方案设计 5
2.1 方案一 5
2.2 方案二 6
2.3方案选择 7
3.单元模块设计 7
3.1单元模块功能介绍 7
3.1.1辅助电源部分设计 7
3.1.2主要电源部分设计 9
3.1.3保护电路部分设计 9
3.1.4继电器驱动部分设计 10
3.1.5 输出电压比较部分设计 11
3.1.6 编码译码部分设计 12
3.2电路参数计算 12
3.2.1辅助电源参数计算 12
3.2.2主要电源参数计算 13
3.2.3元器件的选择 13
3.3特殊器件介绍: 13
3.4各单元模块连接 18
4.系统功能 18
5.设计总结 19
6 系统原理图 20
结 束 语 22
谢 辞 23
参考文献 24