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论文编号:JD831  论文字数:12791,页数:29


摘  要:心率计是常用的医学检查设备。实时准确的心率测量在病人监控、临床治疗及体育竞赛等方面都有着广泛的应用。本心率计采用FPGA实现,减少了元器件使用数量,提高了测量精度和可靠性。该设计能够实时采集并测量人体的瞬时和平均心率,发现非正常心率信号并能及时报警。本设计包括三个模块:心电信号预处理模块、FPGA的信号处理模块和显示模块。心电信号预处理模块,进行心电信号采集、放大、滤波,然后将处理后信号传入系统的处理模块。FPGA的信号处理模块,计算输入心电信号的心率值和判断心率值是否正常,输出心率值及预警信号,同时附属时钟功能。显示模块实现已计算出的心率信号的显示和预警。本设计主要完成心率信号的预处理及FPGA中心处理模块的相关设计。

The Design of Digital Heart-rate Measuring Instrument
Abstract:The digital heart-rate measuring instrument is a kind of equipment which is commonly used in medical test. Real time and accurate measurement of heart rate have broadly applied in patient monitoring, clinical treatment and sports competitions etc. The design of digital heart-rate measuring instrument reduces the number of components and increases the accuracy and reliability of the measurement. It can get the electrocardio data, test the heart rate and automatically alarm in time when detect the unnormal heart rate data. The research is divided into three modules: preprocessing module, FPGA signal processing module and display module. In preprocessing module, the initial electrocardio data is extracted, amplified, filtered, and then the data is transmitted into the center of computing .FPGA signal processing module, the heart rate is calculated from the pretreated data. Then the heart rate is judged whether it’s normal. If not, a warning signal is sent out .There is also a clock in this module. Display module: the heart rate is displayed in this module, also there is three lights for warning .The design is high integration and wearable. The design accomplishes preprocessing module and FPGA signal processing.
Key words: electrocardio data acquisition;Heart rate measurement;VHDL

摘  要 I
Abstract I
1 序言 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 心率的生理意义 1
2 系统总体方案设计 1
2.1 心率传感方式的选择 2
2.2 核心处理器的选择 2
2.3 显示模块的选择 3
3 心率采集部分 3
3.1 心电图特点 3
3.2 心电采集过程中信号干扰源的分析 4
3.2.1 噪声和漂移干扰 4
3.2.2  50Hz 工频干扰 4
3.2.3 呼吸运动 4
3.3 心电信号的提取 4
3.4 心电采集部分的设计 5
3.4.1 前置放大电路的设计 5
3.4.2 滤波器的实现 6
3.5 后级电压放大及比较电路 7
4  FPGA内部控制器的设计 8
4.1 FPGA实现的控制器的功能简介 8
4.2 时钟产生模块的实现 11
4.3 控制模块的设计 12
4.4 主要计算模块 12
4.4.1 测量心率的方法 13
4.4.2 波形变换电路 14
4.4.3 计数单元 15
4.4.4 瞬时心率计算模块 15
4.4.5 平均心率的计算 17
4.6 附属时钟功能的实现 19
5 结  论 21
参考文献 22
谢  辞 23
附  录 24
附录:程序 24

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