论文编号:DZXX006 论文字数:11275,页数:37
温度是生命活动的一种表现,是人体新陈代谢的一个重要生理参数,温度既有生理学的意义,又有重要的临床医学意义,是临床诊断的一个重要指标。因此,温度计的性能在现在的生活中有极为重要的作用,传统的水银温度计在测温时间,携带,以及环境污染等方面有不良之处,本课题基于传统温度计的这些缺点设计出一种新型的电子温度计,它在测温精度能与传统的水银温度计相媲美的情况下,大大的缩短了测温时间,携带方便,对环境几乎没有污染。它以8051单片机为整个体温计的核心,结合温度传感器,A\D转换电路(AD574A), LCD模块等外部设备,在软件的控制下,实现智能化的温度测量,不但能够精确测温,而且能够对温度进行语音播报,逻辑判断,并且通过液晶显示器将测量结果以英文的形式显示出来。
关键词:单片机; 温度传感器; 数字温度计
In recent years along with technical rapid development,Take microelectronic technology,computer technology and communication as forerunner''s information revolution vigorous development。The computer technology took three one,how wields its function concurrently with a practical application more effective union。The monolithic integrated circuit took the computer technology a branch,in the unceasing application practical life,simultaneously is leading the traditional control examination the renewal。In the real-time examination and in the automatic control application system,the monolithic integrated circuit often takes a core part use,in view of concrete application object characteristic, Matches comes by other components to consummate。
This new intelligent electronic thermometer, in which microprocessor plays a key role, under the control of software, can unit all the hardware circuit to implement the intelligent measurement. It can not only measure a temperature precisely, but also broadcast your temperature, judge it logically, and display it with a LCD module in the from of Chinese characters. According to the characteristics of SCM8051 and the principles of A/D transformed apparatus,the digital zatuib and automation of measurement of temperature are will he brought about.This paper mainly aims at probing an d studying the digital thermograph hardware and software which grouped by SCM8051.AD574A and produced by Intel Company. It also lists sectional assembly source program for reference. The internal configuration,principle and technical features of LCD controller are introduced.The applications of LCD controller in time—display is discussed,and their best interface ways,control design with SCM8051 are described briefly.The programming method,diagram of serial clock chip are provided.This article designed an electronic circuit connection between AD574 and SCM8051 Single chip computer through analyzing of function,character sties and work cycles chart of the program and the source procedure corresponding with it according to the facts.
Keywords: MCU;temperature probe;Digital thermometer
目 录
摘要 I
第1章 引 言 1
1.1 背景 1
1.2 研究内容 2
第2章 数字温度计的总体设计 3
2.1 数字温度计的设计思想 3
2.2 数字温度计的总体框图 3
2.3 系统的工作原理 3
2.4 主要器件的选择 3
2.4.1 单片机的选择 3
2.4.2 传感器的选择 4
第3章 体温计的硬件设计 5
3.1 单片机概述 5
3.2 主要器件概述 6
3.2.1 AT89S51功能简介 6
3.2.2 DS18B20简介 8
3.2.3 DS18B20的测温过程 10
3.2.4 温度数据的计算处理方法 11
3.3 系统的电路设计 11
3.3.1 总体控制线路图 11
3.3.2 各部分具体控制线路图 12
3.4 温度显示界面 14
第4章 数字温度计的软件设计 15
4.1程序设计流程图 15
4.2程序的主控制循环调用 16
4.3读温度程序设计 16
4.4显示温度的程序设计 17
第5章 系统的调试 19
5.1单片机应用系统的硬件调试 19
5.2单片机应用系统的软件调试 19
第6章 结束语 20
致谢 21
附录 源代码 23