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论文编号:JD493  论文字数:10846,页数:39  

他励直流电动机电枢串电阻启动过程各参数的变化情况一直是运行部门十分关心的问题,但在设计过程中无法进行相关的试验. 本论中建立他励直流电动机分级启动的数学模型,并建立起连续的仿真模型,并利用MATLAB中的SIMULINK工具,对系统进行仿真,并得出实验结果。从而更清楚的了解了其动态过程,为设计人员提供了可靠的参考数据。为以后的虚拟实验的建立发展积累了许多宝贵的经验。

关键词   他励直流电动机     仿真 

Title Simulation and Analysis on the Start-up Process of Other-excited DC Motor Connected with Series Resistors

Compounded DC motor armature series resistance started the process of changes in the parameters of the operation sector has been very concerned about the problem, but in the design process can not be related to the test. On the establishment of the DC motor, Patrick He started the classification model, and to establish a continuous simulation model and use MATLAB in SIMULINK tools, the system simulation and experimental results obtained. To a clearer understanding of its dynamic process, designed to provide a reliable reference. After the virtual experiment for the establishment of development and accumulated much valuable experience.

Keywords   Compounded  DC motor   MATLAB  SIMULINK

目 录

前  言..................................................................1

第一章 他励直流电动机串电阻分级启动的方案设计 ..........................2
第一节 他励直流电动机的启动.............................................2
第二节 方案选择.........................................................7
第三节 电路设计 ........................................................9

第二章 虚拟实验系统的建立 .............................................12
第一节 关于SIMULINK的仿真 .............................................12
第二节 他励直流电动机串电阻分级启动的仿真 .............................15

第三章 虚拟实验系统的运行仿真结果 .....................................26
一 按理论法设计的他励直流电动机串电阻三级启动仿真结果 .................26
二 按实验法设计的他励直流电动机串电阻三级启动仿真结果................. 28

小  结.................................................................33


致  谢 ................................................................35

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