论文编号:DSZP043 论文字数:4650,页数:08 附任务书,开题报告,中期检查表,指导记录,答辩表
The integration and Development Strategy of TV stations and networks media
ABSTRACT:With the development of the times, newspapers, magazines, television networks such as the old media is facing the impact of new media such as how the media in such a competitive industry, should occupy its own position, now facing the television media has become the main problem, and want to continue to be the main means of communication media, and network integration of new media has become an urgent task of today''''s television media. In this environment, the television media content can be broadcast methods, events, brands such as integration with the network of new media development, attention to content quality, and change the way content communication, and network communication media to interact, so that television media in people''''s minds an important position in the media.
Key words: Tv media; Network new media; Integrational development
目 录
绪论 4
一、电视台与网络媒体融合发展的意义 4
二、电视台与网络新媒体融合发展的方式 4
三、电视台与网络新媒体融合发展的策略 5
(一)从内容方面 5
(二)从改变播出方式等方面 6
四、结论 6
致谢 7
参考文献 8