论文编号:JD691 论文字数:22278,页数:49
关键词 微欧仪;脉冲电源;回路电阻;接触电阻;四端子测量技术;标准电阻;单片机
The Research of Intelligent Test Instrument of Small Electric Resistance
Research on intelligent measurement of small electric resistance belongs to the field of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis on electric power equipment. In the process of examination and experiment of the electricity equipment, we usually run into conditions that big error between the measurement data and theories because of the neglecting the influence of the examination. We regard the contact electric resistance of measuring in the circuit as an example in the text, and discuss method of measurement of small electric resistance.
Small electric resistance instrument is applied in electric power and electrical apparatus manufactory .In this thesis, one kind of new electrical power, composed of a second order oscillating circuit including a capacitance is used.
A single chip computer does pulse power control,data acquisition and data processing. The intelligent measurement and control improve the accuracy.
Four-segment connecting and standard resistance comparison methods are adopted to reduce the system error. Anti-interference measurements are used in both the software and hardware design. Moreover,instrument amplifier and analogue to digital conversion chips are used to increase the accuracy.
The development trends of circuit resistance instrument are micro-miniaturization, reliability, accuracy and intelligence.
Keywords Micro ohm Meter, connecting method; Contact computer Pulse power, Circuit resistance; Standard resistance; resistance; Four-segment Single chip
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 5
1.1 引言 5
1.2 微小电阻测量技术的发展状况 5
1.3 智能化微小电阻测试仪的设计及本研究的主要内容 6
第2章 微小电阻测量原理及电路分析 8
2.1 微小电阻分析 8
2.2 微小电阻的经典测量方法 9
2.3 微小电阻智能测试的原理 11
第3章 微小电阻智能测试系统的硬件设计 12
3.1 微小电阻智能测试系统的整体设计 12
3.2 脉冲电源分析与设计 12
3.3 单片机及其扩展部分 15
3.4 电压采集部分 16
3.5 电流峰值采集部分 19
3.6 数码管显示部分 20
3.7 继电器以及可控硅驱动部分 21
3.8 看门狗X25045部分 23
第4章 微小电阻智能测试系统的软件设计 24
4.1 主程序 24
4.2 脉冲电源控制程序 25
4.3 数据采集程序 28
4.4 数据处理子程序 29
4.5 显示程序 34
4.6 看门狗程序 36
第5章 误差分析 39
5.1 数据采集误差分析及标定 39
5.2 误差的减小与消除 40
5.3 抗干扰措施 41
第6章 系统的试验测试及测量结果分析 43
6.1 试验测试电路 43
6.2 测试结果及分析 43
6.3 实验注意事项: 43
结论 44
致谢 45
参考文献 46
附录 47