论文编号:DSZP042 论文字数:10379,页数:14 附任务书,开题报告,中期检查表,指导记录,答辩表
关键词:文学;网站;盈利模式;小说 ;起点;榕树下
ABSTRACT: In recent years, the development momentum of China to study one of the hottest sites. Not long ago, Shanda announced that it acquired three years ago, a wholly-owned Chinese net capital increase from 100 million yuan, that the prospects of its web site on the study of extreme optimism. Another literary website TOM Huanjianshumeng long been collected from the bag. By Sina, Hongxiutianxiang other study sites have also become a large class of a new round of capital chasing goals. Chinese Web sites or sites with unimaginable fast growth rate, each site or network is doing their best thinking about how to attract the attention of their target customers. The continuous development of network literature, but also to promote the literary website of steady progress. Under the new period. Literature website has not merely the carrier of the network literature. In this paper, the development of literary history and current status of site as a starting point to explore and understand the current situation of the literary website to be the major mode, and its further analysis. Together with representatives of the traditional site of the banyan tree of literature and to fantasy-based emerging network of literary sites from among the Chinese compared to identify our common literary site some of the issues, see the website how to optimize Literature operating profit model, make it more perfect and complete. The market-oriented, customer-core, for profit, that is also going to be a unique literary website webte business model.
Key words: Literature; website; profit model; fiction; starting point; banyan tree
目 录
前言 3
一、文学类网站的发展历程与现状 3
(一)、文学类网站的发展历程 4
1、论坛阶段(1997年-1999年) 4
2、短篇阶段(2000年-2002年) 4
3、长篇阶段(2003年-2004年) 4
4、多元化阶段(2005年至今) 4
(二)文学类网站的现状 5
二、文学类网站的盈利模式及其内涵 5
(一)盈利模式的涵义 5
(二)文学类网站的盈利模式 5
(三)盈利模式对文学类网站发展的意义 6
(四)文学类网站商业化运行的必要性: 6
三、文学类网站的盈利模式分析 7
(一)投放广告 7
(二)书籍出版 7
(三)收取阅读费 8
(四)下载类站点 8
(五)光盘销售 8
四、文学类网站盈利模式的优化 9
五、结论 10
致 谢 12
参考文献 13