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论文编号:JD301       论文字数:18363,页数:55

摘  要

关键词:起倒靶  RS-485数据接口  通信协议  数据库

This paper introduces an RS-485 network management and control systems, to achieve automatic control of the fire training, Vibration sensors and detection module installed on each target, through MCU and PC Connection. fire detection system signals transmitted from the sensor microcontroller, and then uploaded to the PC port , management system control signals sent from the control of the target microcontroller with reversing the action. Shooter database of information and results for the shooting inquiry, and to provide intuitive operation of the control interface. The system can be live-fire training to achieve the target control, the target location, reportedly the target of automation, and the real-time record of achievements and accomplishments of the inquiry statistics. Experiments show that the operating system can meet the requirements of fire training. This paper also gives the system components and the control method of the hardware and software design. 

Key words:  Controls the target   RS-485 Data Interface   Database
Communication Protocol   


目  录

摘  要 I
Abstract II
1  起倒靶控制系统设计方案 1
1.1  起倒靶控制系统简介 1
1.2  系统的组成及特点 1
1.3  系统各单元概述 1
2  射击信号的检测 3
2.1  检测器件的选取 3
2.2  传感器工作原理 3
2.3  检测电路的设计 5
3  控制电路设计 6
3.1  控制电机与电路 6
3.2  工作过程分析 7
4  通信接口设计 8
4.1  RS-232C与RS-485通信标准 8
4.1.1  RS-232C接口连接与电气特性 8
4.1.2用MAX232实现电平转换 9
4.1.3  RS-485总线介绍 10
4.2  串行通信协议 12
4.3  具体通信过程 12
4.3.1握手与应答 13
4.3.2  超时控制 14
4.3.3  帧类型与帧结构 14
4.3.4  差错控制 15
4.3.5链路控制与管理 17
4.3.6  透明性 18
5  通信程序 19
5.1  单片机端通信程序 19
5.2  PC端通信程序 20
5.2.1  MSComm控件 20
5.2.2 PC通信流程 25
6  PC管理系统 26
6.1  PC对起倒靶的管理 26
6.1.1  管理介面设计 26
6.1.2  PC控制过程 28
6.2  成绩统计 30
6.2.1  创建数据文件 30
6.2.2  VB与数据库的连接 30
6.2.3  ADO DATA控件 31
6.2.4  成绩的查询与存档 32
结  论 33
致  谢 34
附录A   起倒靶系统电原理图 35
附录B   PC与单片机系统流程图 36
附录C   PC与单片机程序 38

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