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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/26


论文编号:JD271       论文字数:9467,页数:29




关键词: 蓄电池; 高压; 快速检测 



The battery tester from isolation circuit, boost rectifier circuits, display circuit, the test circuit composed of four main components. In line with the capacity of a variety of lead-acid battery performance testing.

The battery test instrument not only has a strong practical value, in the assembly and rechargeable batteries can be detected before excellent battery performance, battery to obtain higher quality output, not only in a large number of production online. To meet the needs of businesses. Battery manufacturers also can be used as a battery factory on the performance of the detection equipment. Greatly reduce battery performance caused by inadequate return loss, as businesses get more economic benefits, but also reduce the returns for clients by the unnecessary inconvenience.


Keywords:Battery;High Voltage;Rapid detection



摘要 1
引 言 5
第一章   绪 论 6
1.1 课题研究的背景 6
1.2课题研究的意义 6
1.3课题研究的内容 6
第二章 蓄电池 7
2.1 蓄电池的应用 7
2.2 蓄电池的分类及特点 8
2.3 蓄电池的结构与区别 8
第三章 蓄电池方案设计选择 9
3.1常见的蓄电池性能测量方法 9
3.2方案的比较 10
3.3方案的选择 11
第四章  系统设计方案难点分析 12
4.1可控硅元件的结构 12
4.2 可控硅工作原理 12
4.3 触发电路的工作要求 14
第五章  系统设计方案 16
5.1蓄电池性能测试仪组成及基本工作原理分析 16
5.1.1 隔离电路 16
5.1.2 升压整流电路 17
5.1.3  测试模块 17
5.2 高压滤波电路工作原理 18
5.3 测试电路工作原理 19
5.4 元器件选型与电路调试 21
结论 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 24
附 件一  图纸一 25
附 件二  图纸二 26
附 件三  元器件清单 27





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