论文编号:JD942 论文字数:15098,页数:35
摘 要
In the industry control history, the pressure vessel fluid positionsurvey is occupying the very important role. Speaks of the fluidposition survey, can let the person remember the industry to controlthe scene each kind of reaction vessel. Because the pressure vesselfluid position cannot directly carry on the survey, must be able toobtain the fluid position altitude through the sensor switchingcircuit the electrical signal. The present paper was the monolithicintegrated circuit AT89S5 2 monolithic integrated circuits whichproduced based on ATMEL Corporation is a core, through the plateMAX187typeelectric capacity sensor principle, transformed the fluid positionchange the plate capacitor electric capacity change quantity survey,referred to the electric capacity the introduction, caused the fluidposition density the change not to be able to affect the fluidposition altitude the survey. Will recuperate the electrical signalfrom the plateMAX187type electric capacity sensor signal which the electriccircuit will obtain, will send in monolithic integrated circuitAT89S52 to carry on the correlation processing. The monolithicintegrated circuit will examine the fluid position informationtransmits through the RS485 main line for PC machine, in the PCmachine end, use configuration software (configuration king) the fluidposition information which transmits to the monolithic integratedcircuit carries on the dynamic demonstration. After the synthesistest, this installment has the certain use value
Keywords:Pressure vessel;PlateMAX187type electric capacity sensor; RS485;Kingview
目 录
第一章 系统结构及原理……………………………………………………….5
1.1系统的测量原理 5
1.2系统的工作原理 5
1.2.1 电容量与电压值的转换 5
1.2.2 系统方案设计.……………………………………………………7
1.2.3 系统的方框图…………………………………………………….7
第二章 单元模块设计………………………………………………………….9
2.1 单片机的选择 9
2.2 波形产生芯片ICL8038 10
2.2.1 ICL8038的引脚图和功能方框图………………………………10
2.2.2 ICL8038的应用电路…………………………………………….11
2.3 显示模块的实现 12
2.3.1 MAX7219的内部结构…………………………………………..12
2.3.2 MAX7219的数据格式…………………………………………..13
2.3.3 MAX7219的工作时序和寄存器………………………………..14
2.4 有效值转换芯片AD637 15
2.5 A/D转换模块 17
2.5.1 MAX187的引脚说明及时序图………………………………..17
2.5.2 MAX187的硬件连接图………………………………………..19
第三章 系统软件设计.…………………………………………………………21
3.2 PC界面的设计 22
3.2.1 组态王工作原理…………………………………………….....24
3.2.2 人流监控系统界面简介……………………………………….25
3.2.3 组态王与单片机通信协议…………………………………….26
第四章 电路的制作与调试…………………………………………………….28
4.1 电路板的设计原理与制作 28
4.1.1 电路板的设计原理..…………………………………………...28
4.1.2 电路板的制作………………………………………………….29
4.1.3 PCB装备.…………………………………………………….30
4.2 EEPROM接口电路 31
第五章 结束语…………………………………………….……………………32
致 谢……..……………………………………………….……………………..33