论文字数:11460,页数:24 论文编号:JD479
Abstract:Curtain more than a remote control circuits is for home and building automation. The main use of remote control system is to control motors to control the positive and the curtains closed and open. Infrared remote control system may be remote, it can also be a wireless remote control, can be a single remote control, it can also be a multi-channel remote control. The system uses 89 C2051 SCM control system, I use the special features P3 and P1 mouth of the idle mode and power-down mode. According to its different mode of control, and semi-automatic control, automatic control, infrared remote control the conversion of curtains. The design includes infrared remote control circuits, power conversion circuits, optical control circuit, the implementation of the electrical circuit, can achieve automatic curtain movements.
Keywords: Remote curtains, 89 C2051, infrared remote control circuits, power conversion circuit
目 录
1 前言 1
2总体方案设计 3
2.1方案比较 3
2.1.1方案一 3
2.1.2方案二 3
2.2方案论证 4
2.2.1方案一 4
2.2.2方案二 4
2.3方案选择 5
3单元模块的设计 6
3.1各单元模块功能介绍及电路设计 6
3.1.1电源部分 6
3.1.2红外发射电路 7
3.1.3红外信号接收电路 8
3.1.4光控电路测光部分 9
3.1.5电机执行部分 10
3.1.6单片机控制部分 11
3.2特殊器件介绍 12
3.2.1 单片机89C2051 12
3.2.2红外接收集成器件HS0038 14
3.3单片机红外遥控的原理 15
3.3.1单片机红外遥控的概述 15
3.3.2二进制的编码 15
3.3.3本系统采用的红外遥控数据格式 16
4系统功能说明 17
4.1手动按键的说明 17
4.2遥控器对窗帘控制 17
4.3系统硬件设计 17
4.3.1系统要求 17
4.3.2系统电路组成 17
4.4系统软件设计 18
4.5系统功能的实现 19
4.5.1遥控器 19
4.5.2接收控制器 19
5总结与体会 20
6谢词 21
7参考文献 22
8设计总图 23