论文编号:JD295 论文字数:16854,页数:35
摘 要
本文设计的是一种基于AT89C51单片机的远程电话控制系统。控制系统是以单片机AT89C51为核心、基于电话网络开发的家用智能电话控制电器。利用电话网传输数字和语音信息,远程控制部分接收电话网发送来的DTMF信号,对其进行解码,解码后由中央处理器AT89C51根据解码信息控制家用电器;本系统设计实用,功能灵活多样,可靠性高,操作方便,可以广泛地应用于家庭或者其它场所的智能控制。电话远程控制不需进行专门的布线,不占用无线电频率资源, 还可避免电磁污染。通过基于语音处理技术及DTMF解码技术的远程控制系统, 运用语音识别技术, 以及语音命令通过电话网络来控制家用电器的开与关, 从而实现智能住宅中电器远程可控化。该系统通过嵌入式的智能语音提示, 突出的语音提示功能和密码控制系统, 可使操作者根据各种提示音及时了解受控对象的有关信息。系统可实现通过发出语音命令用电话远程控制多个家电, 用户可以查询家电状态, 提供密码功能, 只有输入正确的密码才能控制家电, 从而提高了安全性。
The article designed the remote telephone control system which based on microcontroller AT89C51. Basing on the telephone net, the system which uses the core controller Single-chip microcomputer AT89C51 realizes long-distance control household appliances . The telephone control system, which uses the telephone net convert and voice information receives DTMF code from the telephone net, and interpret the code, the core controller AT89C51 controls the state of household appliances responded to the interpretation. This system is practical, and the function is flexible, and the operation is convenient with high reliability, which can be used extensive in various kinds of control equipment to home and others field. Long distance control of telephone does not require special wires distribution and does not take up wireless frequency resources. Electro magnetic pollution can thus be avoided. The designing of a system of long-distance control based on sound processing technology and DTMF decoding technology is presented in this paper. By using sound commands of sound recognition technology, this system realizes its control of household electrical appliances through telephone networks and so realizes the intelligently control of them in residence. The embedded and intelligent sound indication, its outstanding sound function of prompt and its code control system enable the operators to timely obtain the relative information of the controlled objects through indicated sounds. The system can use telephone to control many household electrical appliances in long distance through uttering sound commands and provides the code safeguard function. Only through inputting the correct password to control them, the users can control the condition of household electrical equipment, So the system security can be improved.
KEY WORDS: single-chip; telephone remote control system; DTMF
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1本课题研究的主要内容 1
1.2单片机远程控制 1
1.3系统设计可行性分析 2
1.4本文的研究内容 3
第二章 硬件电路设计 4
2.1 总体设计与单片机的选择 4
2.1.1系统总体设计分析 4
2.1.2 AT89C51单片机 5
2.2 振铃检测电路 6
2.3 模拟摘机电路 7
2.4 双音解码电路 8
2.5 语音提示电路 10
2.6 控制部分电路 12
第三章 软件设计 15
3.1设计思路及流程图 15
3.2软件分析 16
3.2.1语音提示模块 16
3.2.2模拟摘机与密码检测模块 18
3.2.3控制电器模块 20
3.2.4振铃记数 22
第四章 系统应用 23
4.1系统的应用前景 23
4.2.1工商业效益 23
4.2.2未来展望 24
4.2系统功能的扩展 24
结 论 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 29
附 录 30