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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD709  论文字数:22239,页数:48

(1) 介绍了国内外温度检测技术和特种测温(钢水温度检测)的发展状况,并且分析了温度检测技术的未来发展方向。
(2) 根据实际测量要求制定出一次仪表(温度传感器)的选择、使用和安装方案并且解决了热电偶测量过程中存在的冷端温度不为零摄氏度的传统问题 。
(3) 根据实际使用要求设计了相应的单片机硬件系统,该系统能够实现多路量,数据采集数据处理、温度值的在线显示、测量数据的打印。
关键词;温度测量 热电偶 单片机


With thermocouple and integrated temperature of sensor make
of control system
Temperature, as a basic physical quantity, is one of the most universal and important technical parameters. It has a direct affect on targets o f many products, such as output, quality and consumption of energy and so on, so measuring of the temperature is very important to industry production. In practice, it is difficult to measure accurately the temperature. Measuring of temperature is different from others, for example, measuring of length, measuring of mass. The system of continuous
measuring of the temperature of hot metal introduced勿the paper is the system of 8031 single-chip microcomputer and conventional measuring component-thermocouple. The mathematic model is appropriate, and measurement method is easy to be executed. The electronic components used are anti-jamming, less zero-drift and less temperature-drift. The system is convenient and applicable. It is steady, reliable and so fit to use. A t the same time, it has larger scope of measurement and it can be used in many kinds of object measured. It has intellectualized the process.
The thesis introduces automatic measurement of temperature, including temperature sensor, I/0 of single-chip microcomputer and application software, It can be divided into five parts:
(1) It introduces the development of temperature measurement and special temperature measuring-measurement of molten steel''s temperature, as well as the development direction of temperature measurement in the future.
(2) It provides the solution of temperature sensor''s selecting, using and setting. It solves the problem of thermocouple whose referenced end''s temperature is not 0℃ in the course of measurement
(3) According to the practical demands, I design corresponding hardware system. The system can realized at a acquisition, showing of temperature o n-line, printing of temperature .
Keywords temperature measurement, thermocouple, single-chip microcomputer

  毕业设计(论文)任务书 2
摘要 III
Abstract IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2国内外状况和发展趋势 1
1.2.1国内外钢水温度检测方法 2
第二章 两种典型温度传感器的探讨 5
2.1温度传感器简介 5
2.2热电偶测温原理 8
2.3热电偶闭合回路的总热电动势 8
2.4测温系统的信号采集部分构成设计 9
2.4.1热电偶类型的选择 10
2.4.2补偿导线的选择 12
2.4.3热电偶的冷端补偿 13
2.5  AD590集成温度传感器实验的探讨 15
2.5.1  AD590温度传感器测温原理 15
2.5.2  AD590的测温电路的设计与分析 16
2.5.3  电流型AD590在控制方面的应用 18
第三章  智能化温度测量系统的硬件设计 19
3.1系统总体设计 19
3.2单片机介绍 19
3.3信号输入部分设计 21
3.3.1信号输入部分总体设计 21
3.3.2 芯片选用及电路连接 21
3.4单片机及其扩展I/O口的设计 27
3.4.1地址锁存器 27
3.4.2程序存储器扩展 27
3.4.3数据存储器扩展 29
3.4.4可编程并行I/0接口器件的扩展 29
3.5键盘、显示器的设计 31
3.5.1键盘 31
3.5.2显示器 32
3.6模拟信号输出部分设计 35
3.6.1信号输出部分的总体设计 35
3.6.2芯片的选择 35
3.7 基于热电偶的多功能高精度度钢水测温仪 37
第四章 结论与展望 40
4.1结论 40
4.2展望 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42

  • 上一篇资讯: 频率特性测试仪的设计
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