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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/26


论文编号:JD930   论文字数:5258,页数:14

摘  要:逆变器是一种将直流电(DC)转化为交流电(AC)的装置。它由逆变桥、控制逻辑和滤波电路组成逆变器是一种电源转换装置,在逆变器中最广泛使用的还是三相桥式逆变电路,因为它成本低,逆变功能易实现且相对稳定。它输出的交流电可用于各类设备,最大限度地满足移动供电场所或无电地区用户对交流电源的需要。
DC Switch Transmitter
 Abstract: Is an inverter DC (DC) into alternating current (AC) devices. It consists of inverter, control logic and filter circuit composed of inverter is a power conversion device of the inverter is the most widely used three-phase bridge inverter circuit, as it low cost, easy to inverter function and to achieve relatively stable. Its output can be used for various types of AC equipment, to maximize the mobile power supply to meet the place or area without electricity for the AC power user needs.
 Keywords: Inverter; Three-phase bridge; Pulse trigger circuit


摘  要 I
Abstract I
引言 1
1. 主电路的设计 1
2.触发电路的设计 3
3.保护电路的设计 7
4.参数设定及计算 9
5 .应用举例 11
参考文献 12
谢  辞 12

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