论文编号:JD258 论文字数:10529,页数:45
关键字:无线发射与接收 STC89C52 语音提示 密码锁 红外告警 液晶显示
This system use STC89C52 as to control core ,and make use of the
PT2262/PT2272 chip to be code and decode , , the ASK amplitude modulation which adopts to send a far 315 MHZ blast-off frequency, but receiver use the super regenerative reception electric circuit, this system combines single slice machine to establish a password, making it have a double insurance, and can show by a LCD manifestation, and can shut a lock through a position sensor, and make use of an infrared ray examination, carry on voice warning, and carry on the segment of recording with the ISD1420, and carry on a voice hint .This system take a programme interface, make the system be able to upgrade at any time, and the system adopt the mold piece design, and reserve many interface, so this system can accommodate more sensors, carrying on an intelligence control to link with network, so this system have a good applicability, can satisfy a different customer request.
Keywords: send and receive by wireless STC89C52 voice hint coded lock show by a LCD
摘要 2
Abstract 3
第1章 绪论 5
1.1、 课题来源及研究意义 5
1.2、 电控锁发展历程和研究现状 6
1.3、 本项目设计方向 6
第2章 方案论证及其设计 7
2.1本系统所要解决的问题 7
2.2 编码与解码 8
2.2.1编码 8
2.2.2解码 10
2.3无线发射与接收 11
2.3.1无线发射 11
2.3.2无线接收 12
2.4电机选择与驱动 13
2.5主控芯片选择 14
2.6语音播放设计 14
2.7传感器选择 15
2.8显示器设计 15
2.9方案确定 15
第3章 系统硬件模块及其说明 15
3.1系统框图 16
3.2系统各模块设计及其说明 16
3.2.1主机控制电路 16
3.2.2编码与发射电路 17
3.2.3解码与接收电路 19
3.2.4程序烧录接口 20
3.2.5键盘 21
3.2.6电源电路 21
3.2.7语音电路 21
3.2.8红外线检测电路 22
3.2.9其也接口电路 23
3.3各模块PCB的制作 24
第4章 软件设计及流程图 27
4.1软件设计及要求 27
4.2软件流程图 27
4.3具体程序设计 28
第5章 系统调试 29
5.1硬件调试及其出现的问题解决 29
5.2软件调试 29
第6章 总结 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
附件 33