论文编号:JD538 论文字数:20082,页数:35
摘 要
伴随着信息家电,手持设备,无线设备等的迅速发展,相应的硬件和软件也得到迅速发展。许多设备都配有 Intel,MIPS,摩托罗拉等公司生产的32位微处理器,甚至还使用了液晶显示器。许多开发商也开始为这些设备提供界面友好的嵌入式操作系统。
利用Linux搭建嵌入式操作系统是近年来出现的最令人振奋的方案。这有多方面的原因。首先,运行在嵌入式系统上的Linux能够提供全功能的桌面计算(Desktop Computing),且由于其开放代码,定制变得非常方便。其次,Linux 已经支持大多数嵌入式系统上使用的芯片,包括 StrongARM , MIPS 和 PowerPC。 最后,Linux是免费的,使用Linux 不需要付出任何费用。所以利用 Linux 作为底层操作系统, 其上使用一个 GUI 系统成为现在日益流行的嵌入式操作系统的解决方案。
市场上常见的 PDA 等小型手持式设备上,以前由于硬件条件等的限制,我们看到的用户界面都非常简单,几乎看不到 PC 机上华丽美观的 GUI 界面。但最近出现的 Palm 等手持式电脑或者在 Windows CE 等面向嵌入式系统的操作系统上,我们已经看到了完整的图形用户界面支持。随着手持式设备的硬件条件的提高,估计嵌入式系统对轻量级 GUI 的需求会越来越迫切。
本文主要讨论了嵌入式智能家居系统中,嵌入式智能家居GUI模块的设计及具体实现。图形用户接口因其良好的人机交互性能而在软件系统中得到广泛的应用。在嵌入式智能家居系统中,构建一个占用资源少、高性能、易移植,兼容性强的图形用户接口,直接影响到系统应用软件的可移植性,并对今后产品的多样化和产品成本的竞争力有着重要影响。通过对嵌入式智能家居系统对GUI 系统的需求分析以及目前几种流行的嵌入式GUI 系统性能,特点的评估,最终在嵌入式智能家居系统中采用了移植QT/Embedded作为其图形用户界面的解决方案。
In the fast-changing world of embedded, handheld and wireless devices, there are many hardware and software design changes taking place. Many devices now feature 32-bit microprocessors from Intel, MIPS and Motorola, as well as larger LCD graphical displays. In order to leverage the significant results gained in the last ten years, many developers are turning to using friendly user interface operating systems with these new embedded designs.
One of the most promising emerging areas seems to be running Linux in these environments, for a couple of good reasons: Linux on embedded systems brings with it the entire power of desktop computing, along with many solutions already running. Linux, being open source, allows any aspect of the solution to be fully understood and then customized for a particular application. Linux also supports all the new microprocessors typically included in embedded designs, including StrongARM, MIPS and PowerPC. Finally, Linux is free, with no royalty payments required for it’s use.So using linux as operating system , with a GUI system built on, seems to be a good solution.
For the handled devices on the market such as PDA, as to the poor hardware in old days, the user interface was very simple, we could hardly see the colorful GUI which was supported by PC. But recently we found that some embedded operating systems such as Windows CE and Palm OS, have supported complete GUI features. With the great performance improvement of the hardware, we think that the need for mini GUI systems is urgent.
This paper is mainly concered with the design of the embedded graphic user interface to be used in the embedded System of a Smart Home and its detailed implementation. In the embedded system of Smart Home, it will directly take effect on the portability of the navigator application software to build a graphic user interface with the features of low resource, high performance,easy portable and good compatibility.After the requirement analysis of GUI system to be used in the embedded system of Smart Home and the uating on the performance and characteristic of several popular GUI system used in the embedded system, Porting Qt/Embedded was adopted as the solution to GUI sysem to be used in the embedded system of Smart Home.
Keyword: Embedded System; Graphical User Interface; Qt/Embedded; Smart Home
目 录
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 嵌入式系统的技术特点和应用前景 1
1.2 嵌入式智能家居系统 2
1.3 课题研究背景及意义 2
第二章 嵌入式Linux下的GUI 3
2.1 嵌入式图形用户接口的现状和发展 3
2.1.1 Qt/Embedded 4
2.1.2 MiniGUI 7
2.1.1 Microwindows 8
2.2 智能家居系统对GUI的需求分析 10
2.3 智能家居系统中GUI实现的技术路线 11
第三章 Linux系统GUI剖析 12
3.1 Qt/Embedded的安装. 12
3.2 认识Qt/Embedded 开发环境. 14
3.2.1 QT 的支撑工具 14
3.2.2 信号与插槽 14
3.2.3 窗体 16
3.2.4 Qt 图形设计器 16
3.3智能家居系统GUI模块设计 16
第四章 智能家居系统GUI模块在嵌入式开发平台上的移植 18
4.1 嵌入式系统开发平台简介 18
4.2 BootLoader配置与移植 18
4.2.1 bootload的介绍 18
4.2.2 Boot Loader的概念Linux内核的配置与移植 19
4. 2. 3 Boot Loader的操作模式 19
4.3 BootLoader配置与移植 20
4.3.1 配置和编译Linux内核源代码 20
4. 3.2 定制linux 内核 22
4.3.3 配置各个尺寸的LCD 驱动支持 23
4. 3. 4 配置触摸屏 23
4. 3. 5 GUI应用程序在开发嵌入式开发平台上的移植 25
第五章 结束语 28
参考文献 31
致 谢 32