论文字数:11356,页数:25 包括大图 论文编号:JD480
关键词:TOPSWITCH ,多功能智能仪表 ,反激式开关电源
Abstract:Multi-functional intelligent instruments are widely used in various industries, and the process of detection, display and control. The design is based on TOPSWITCH-2 chip design a five Roads output of multi-functional intelligent instrument for the single flyback switching power supply. The design uses the first method to supply single-chip switching power supply circuit TOPSWITCH based on a multi-channel AC-DC power output. The design is according to the characteristics of the single-chip switching power supply integrated chip and give the specific designing steps of the intelligent instrument switching power supply, at the same time ,introducing the design of high-frequency transformers、the choice of the main parameters and making a specific calculation on.
Keywords: TOPSWITCH;Multi-functional intelligent instrument,Flyback switching power supply ,AC-DC multi-output power
目 录
1前言 1
2总体方案设计 2
2.1方案一 2
2.2方案二 3
2.3方案比较论证及方案选择 3
3单元模块设计 6
3.1各单元模块功能介绍及电路设计 6
3.1.1输入整流滤波电路 6
3.1.2高频变压器 7
3.1.3 输出整流滤波电路 8
3.1.4变压器钳位保护电路 9
3.1.5帯光耦的反馈电路 10
3.1.6控制电路 11
3.2电路参数的计算及元器件的选择 12
3.2.1 TOPSWITCH芯片选择和依据 12
3.2.2高频变压器的参数计算和器件选择 13
3.2.4整流二极管的选择 14
3.3特殊器件介绍 15
3.3.1控制芯片TOP224P 15
3.3.2光耦PC817A 17
3.3.3 TL431 17
3.4各单元模块的联接 18
3.5单片开关电源的启动问题 18
4系统功能 20
5总结与体会 21
6谢辞 22
7参考文献 23
附录:设计总图 24