论文编号:JD261 论文字数:8104,页数:23
摘 要:该系统设计综合电子技术理论,从生活实际出发,完善了饮水机的功能。设计方案中,主要采用AD590和光敏三极管作为检测单元,并运用了MC14433、74LS160等集成器件。整个设计系统实现两个功能,即测温数显和加热次数自动控制,包括检测、A/D转换(计数)、译码选通、继电器控制等电路模块单元。与传统的饮水机相比,由于采用了自动检测和控制的电子设计技术,可较好地实现对水温和水质的测量和控制,具有较广泛的应用前景。
Abstract: The system of design integrated electronic technology theory, from the actual conditions of life, improving the function of the drinking fountains. The Design project with the main use of AD590 and phototransistor as a test unit has still used the MC14433, 74LS160, such as integrated device. The whole design system tries to achieve two functions, namely, digital temperature measurement and automatic control of the number of heating, including detection, A / D converter (Count), decoding strobe, relay control such circuit modules. Compared with the traditional drinking fountains, the use of automatic detection and control of electronic design technology, can better achieve the right temperature and water quality measurement and control, with a wider range of applications.
Keywords: Detection Unit,Temperature Sensor AD590,Automatic Control,Relay
目 录
1前言 1
2总体设计方案 2
2.1设计方案一 2
2.1.1方案一方框图 2
2.1.2 方案论证 2
2.2设计方案二 3
2.2.1方案二方框图 3
2.2.2方案论证 3
2.3 方案比较与选择 4
3单元模块设计 5
3.1直流稳压源电路 5
3.2温度检测电路 5
3.3 A/D转换及显示电路 6
3.4 光敏检测及计数电路 8
3.4.1光敏三极管感应电路 8
3.4.2 计数及继电器控制电路 9
4特殊器件介绍 10
4.1 双积分型A/D转换器MC14433 10
4.2 温度传感器AD590 12
4.3 电磁继电器 13
4.4 计数器74LS161 14
5系统调试 15
6系统功能、指标参数 16
7总结与体会 17
8谢辞 18
9参考文献 19
附录总图 20