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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/07/04


论文编号:JD683  论文字数:16983,页数:35

摘        要


Manufacture of Analogous Subway System in
Straight-lined Electric Motor Way

This paper carries on the analysis to the modern advanced actuation technology mainstream development, under the rapid development of the modern track transportation. Nowadays the scientific technology id flourishing and modernized cities request the track transportation the characteristics of great current capacity, high speed, convenience, and comfort. According to this, the paper discussed the future of the track construction in the economy construction, and then designed the straight line motor-driven way subway analogous system.
 Along with the modernization of the city, the subway, the light axle as the main transporting mode, play an important role in improving the crowed transporting situation, fast gathering and scattering the passengers, raising the living standards of the people and promoting the economic development. However the construction of subway system needs massive funds for its high cost, delaying the process of the track construction of our country. While the straight line motor-driven subway or elevated track vehicles can improve the performance of passing the curve and raise the stability, meanwhile cut down the cost, satisfying the demand of the secondary quantity of transportation in big cities. And the appearance of the straight line motor-driven machine breaks a new way for the track transportation, making it the main direction of full-automatic subway system of unmanned operation. The technology of the straight line motor-driven subway has achieved a mature standard with low cost, small vibration, little noise, fine grade ability, advantageous tractive effort, well safety, small energy consumption and pollution 
The paper mainly explained the analogous straight line motor-subway system remotely controlled by the emitter and the receiver of the radio frequency. The historical development of the straight line electrical machine, its principle of work, and its practice application is introduced. Finally, the details used in the controlling circuit of the radio frequency installment are discussed, including their principle, application, as well as the illustration for use.
Keywords: subway; straight-lined electric motor; radio frequency

目 录

摘要  I
第1章 绪论  1
1.1直线电机驱动地铁的发展及现状  1
  1.1.1直线电机驱动地铁的发展历史  1
  1.1.2我国直线驱动地铁的发展现状  3
1.2直线电机方式的地铁系统的研究目的和意义  3
1.3 课题主要的研究内容  4
第2章 直线电机系统原理与应用  5
2.1直线电机工作原理与结构  5
2.1.1直线电机工作原理  5
2.1. 2直线电机结构  6
2.2直线电机的应用  6
   2.2.1直线电机的技术展望  8
第3章 射频发射与接受控制电路的构造与原理  9
3.1射频发射与接受电路元器件介绍与工作原理  9
3.1.1控制芯片 AT89C51单片机工作原理介绍  9
3.1.2编码解码芯片2262/2272原理与应用  16
        3.1.3射频发射模块9912与接受模块9921  17
3.1.4电机驱动芯片LMD18200原理及应用  19
3.1.5电路运行控制过程  23
第 4 章 系统的调试安装  26
4.1 软件的调试  26
4.2 硬件的调试  27
参考文献  28
致谢  29
附录一  红外对射光电传感器  30
附录二  硬件电路图  31

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