论文编号:JD554 附原理图,论文字数:15452,页数:43
关键字 柴油机 冷却系统 单片机
Title Cental cooling water temperature control system
Along with highly speedy development with computer control technology, more and more advanced technology, equipments and methods for measurement is applied in modern automation control realm. This work of this monograph adapts to the development tendency, applying the single chip microcomputer to cooling water temperature. Control system of chip main engine. Now, more and more scientific research organization attach importance to cooling water temperature is very important to diesel engine. If cooling water temperature can keep in the first-rank range cooling water temperature, diesel engine’s power can be improved, and engine work more calmly.Central cooling water temperature control system based on 89c51 single chip microcomputer, in order to make cooling water temperature is fall dawn by putting cool water tank. System is divided into two parts: one is hardware circuit, the other is software chat and key control program. The principle and method of measurement temperature circuit, A/D circuit, keyboard and show circuit are discussed. Operation of system is simply, we can change the temperature range by using the 6 keys on control, and the temperature displayed on the control.Applying the single chip microcomputer to cooling water temperature automation control., it become the one of question for discussion in ship engine automation, this system provides a necessary condition for more study on diesel engine.
Key Words diesel cooling system single chip microcomputer
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外发展动态 1
1.3 课题要求 3
1.4 总体方案 4
2 中央冷却水温控制系统的硬件设计 6
2.1 控制核心 6
2.2 前向输入信号通道 9
2.2.1 测温电路 9
2.2.2 A/D转换电路 11
2.3 后向通道 15
2.3.1 继电器电路 15
2.3.2 电机与阀门 17
2.4 复位电路 18
2.5 时钟电路 18
2.6 报警电路 19
2.7 键盘与显示 23
2.8 串行通信 26
3 中央冷却水温控制系统的软件设计 28
3.1 控制算法的确定 28
3.1.1 算法的确定 28
3.1.2 PID算法简介 29
3.1.3 史密斯(Smith)预估控制技术 31
3.2 系统的软件设计 31
3.2.1 主程序模块 31
3.2.2 功能模块 32
4 结论 42
参考文献 43