论文编号:JD740 论文字数:7934,页数:35
摘 要
In this paper, the design of the Automatic Sun Traces is introduced. This instrument is used to track the sunlight; and it consists of Photosensitive Sensor module, digital control module, A/D conversion module, button control module, SCM control module. Through the stepper motor group A and B of the rotation to control the position of the dark, to determine the location of the sun. The instrument I have designed is significantly more convenient than the traditional ones; hence potentially it can be much more widely used in future.
Furthermore, during the design, we have gotten more familiar with knowledge in the fields of digital control based on SCM, data acquisition and processing, as well as circuit design.
Key words:AT89S52,monolithic,integrated circuit,A/D transformation,Darington tube,Photosensitive sensor,Step-by-steps the electrical machinery
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 引言 1
2 方案设计与论证 1
2.1 微处理器选择方案 1
2.2 LED显示模块 1
2.3 按键模块 2
2.4 采光模块 2
3 系统硬件电路设计 4
3.1 单片机系统模块 4
3.1.1 AT89S52的管脚图及功能简介 5
3.1.2 单片机的外围电路 6
3.2 传感器输入模块 7
3.2.1 传感器的安装设置 7
3.2.2 传感模块电路的器件功能简介 7
3.3 A/D转换模块 8
3.3.1 A/D转换芯片ADC0809简介 8
3.3.2 A/D转换模块电路设计 10
3.4 人机交互模块 11
4 系统软件流程 12
4.1 系统程序总流程图 12
4.2 数据采集程序流程图 13
4.3 电机驱动及方位调整流程图 13
4.4 显示部分程序流程图 14
5 系统特点 15
6 结语 15
7 参考文献 16
附录一:系统硬件图 17
附录二:系统主要软件 18