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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/05/29


论文编号:GC181  论文字数:21254,页数:34

摘  要
 杭州市作为浙江省省会城市,是浙江省政治、经济、科教和文化中心,也是长江三角洲经济中心城市之一。已连续十年保持着10%以上的经济发展增长势头,其中房地产业在03~07年是发展最大的时间段, 杭州是全国第一个实行土地“招拍挂”的城市,土地的不饱和供应令土地成交价格连年倍升,2003年,杭州的土地交易价格涨幅为38.1%,排在全国35个大中城市之首,高额的地价成本直接抬高了房产价格。加上“创业在杭州””住在杭州”一系列引进人才、购房入户等优惠措施,杭州城市人口不断增长,市场对房地产的需求非常旺盛,支撑着杭州房地产价格的不断上升, 再加上倡导以人为本,天人合一的哲学观的品牌定位,从规划设计、建筑设计、户型设计、建材采用,到功能和质量等方面要求越来越高,而房地产企业追求的是工期短,投资效益高。针对房地产项目的这些情况,必须对项目投资实施全过程有效的成本控制,从组织、技术、经济、合同与信息等方面,挖掘潜力,降低成本,提高投资效益和社会效益。
房地产  土地成本   成本控制

Cost in developing in terms of real estate is controlled
[commerce public square project prosperous and powerful]

 Hang Zhou City is the Zhejiang provincial capital city , is Zhejiang Province political economy, science and education and cultural centre , is also one of Yangtze River delta economy central city. Already continue increasing tendency being keeping 10% the above economic growth in 10, real estate business among them is to develop for 7 years , develops maximal time section in 03 ~, Hangzhou has been that the whole nation the first puts the city that land "cause to pat a bundle " into practice , the price the land unsaturation is supplied making land close a deal has risen very in the successive years , the Hangzhou land business price has gone up in 2003, being 38.1% , cost has raised house property price row directly in the whole nation of 35 large and medium-sized cities , the great amount price of land. But "live in Hangzhou series of preferential measure , such as introducing talented person , buying a house becoming a member of a family plus starting an undertaking in Hangzhou " "" Hangzhou urban population increases by unceasingly, the marketplace need to real estate is very exuberant , ceaselessness being propping up Hangzhou real estate price rises, besides person is this for proposing that, the brand that the theory that man is an integral part of nature philosophy observes fixes position , the secondary plan designs that , architectural design , the family type design that , building material adopts, to aspect requests such as function and mass is more and more high, that real estate enterprise runs after is that the time limit for a project is short, Benefit of investment is high. Specifically for these real estate project condition, the cost must implement the entire proceeding to project investment having an effect controls, tap the talent power , cost down from aspect such as organization , technical economy , contract and information,raise benefit of investment and social benefits.
   The main body of a book is developed first specifically for Hangzhou real estate market and land sell price''s by auction over the past few years making a briefing , is is burning weight again specifically for comparatively important land cost , cost the earlier stage , project cost , camp affecting real estate cost of development sell several aspect such as cost , administration cost and financial affairs fee, announce my humble opinion that a little cost controls , talking self little view down with a view of my experience working and reality secondly. Hope the main body of a book being able to become the graduation thesis that the union network for 2 years educates, the job having hope being able to give self a hereafter helps a little bit , make the rapid and intense union studying and applying an energy get up.
Keywords: Real estate , Land cost , Cost is controlled

目   录

前 言 7
第一章  房地产项目概况及成本控制的重要性 7
1.1项目简介 7
1.2区域市场概况 9
1.3成本控制的重要性 11
第二章 成本的概念和特征 10
2.1.广义的成本概念 10
2.2.狭义的成本概念 11
2.3.成本的特征 11
2.4.成本的本质及分类 12
第三章  房地产成本构成要点剖析 13
3.1.土地成本: 14
3.2.前期成本 15
3.3.设计阶段的成本控制 17
3.3.3. 推行设计招标,择优选择设计单位 20
3.3.5. 采用合同措施,有效控制造价 21
3.4.招标阶段成本控制 19
3.4.1.按照工程量清单报价方式招标 20
3.4.2.按照综合单价方式招标 21
3.4.3.按照市场价招标 21
3.4.4. 做好合同的签定工作 22
3.5、工程成本 22
3.5.1. 抓好合同管理,减少工程索赔 23
3.5.3. 从技术措施上展开项目投资的有效控制 24
3.5.5.加强工程决算审计 24
3.6.营销成本 25
3.7.管理和财务费用: 26
第四章  影响房地产项目成本增加的主要因素 26
4.1.土地供应价格上升 29
4.2.政府行政性收费项目繁多,费用偏重 30
4.3.房地产开发企业税赋偏重 31
4.4.融资渠道相对薄弱,贷款利率居高不下 30
4.5.建材价格波动,带动建安成本提高 30
第五章、如何行之有效地控制房地产项目的成本 32
5.1.强化土地供应管理,控制土地供应总量,降低地价 32
5.2.加大对房地产开发和消费环节不合理收费的清理力度 32
5.3.完善市政配套,履行政府职责,合理分摊城市公共设施费用 32
5.4.适当降低税收负担 32
5.5.开拓金融业务,增强产业活力,降低利息费用 33
5.6.充分发挥政府职能,加强市场宏观调控力度,维持物价平稳 33
5.7.维持合理利润空间,加强房地产公司内部管理 33
结论 33
参考文献 34
致谢词 34

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