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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ010        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:11510,页数:18

摘   要


[关键词]:B2C  电子商务  运营策略



   As the maturity of Internet and communications, the electronic commerce as a trading method attracts an increasing attention. Especially the Business to Customer (B2C) pattern of online store builds a convenient trading platform for both enterprises and individual customers. Under such circumstances, analysis of the B2C website’s development strategy becomes very necessary.
   The article studies the external environment B2C E-Commerce, and makes the judgment about the difficulties and opportunities, and it makes some suggestions to overcome the difficulty. At the same time,the article carries on the analysis to the eNeT which makes out the strategy to develop, according to the market environment and characteristic of itself. The article summarizes the experience to develop that the website should take developmental direction for customers’ demands, convert technique advantage into business advantage, fulfill a perfect combination of the technique and business.

[Key Words] Business-to-Consumer; Electronic Commerce; managing strategy

目  录

1  引言 ...........................................2
1.1 电子商务和B2C电子商务 .........................2
1.2 我国B2C电子商务发展环境....................... 2
1.3 中国B2C电子商务网站发展现状 ...................4
2  B2C电子商务的商业优势与问题分析 ................5
2.1 B2C的商业优势 .................................5
2.2  B2C电子商务发展中遇到的困难 ..................6
3 B2C电子商务运营策略 .............................8
3.1 顾客发展策略 ..................................8
3.2 产品定位 ......................................11
3.3 资金的募集 ....................................11
3.4 控制经营成本 ..................................12
4  eNeT硅谷动力网上商城案例分析 ...................13
4.1网站简介 .......................................13
4.2  行业分析研究 .................................13
4.3 运营策略分析.................................. 14
5 总结 ............................................15
参考文献 ..........................................17
致   谢 ...........................................18

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