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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ089  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:11758,页数:18

摘  要

   近年来,随着Internet迅速的普及,传统的商务营销模式已经开始出现了几次较大的变革,电子商务B TO C模式手段以其自身所具有的众多优点,开始渐渐脱颖而出,逐步被人们所接受和认可。但是限于行业之间的区别,房地产业目前还未能将这种新兴的营销模式运用得十分出色。本文首先概述房地产的信息化阶段,从而引出电子商务B TO C模式的概念,通过B TO C交易流程的分析,简述房地产与电子商务B TO C模式相结合的优势,最后提出B TO C模式在房地产中介应用的问题并提出相对应的对策。希望对房地产B TO C模式的应用有一定的借鉴作用。

【关键词】电子商务   房地产业   B TO C模式



With the rapid popularization of Internet in recent years, traditional marketing pattern has undergone several important changes.B2C E-commerce model has begun to gain recognition, to be accepted and to be applauded with its multiple advantages. However, Real estate industry is not well recognized in this newly developed marketing model. The paper firstly illustrates the process of the informationization of real estate industry with B2C E-commerce business model introduced. Through the analysis of the process of B2C transaction, the paper explores in brief the advantages of the combination of traditional real estate industry and B2C E-commerce model. Finally, the paper analyzes the problems in the application of B2C model in the real estate. The writer hopes that this analysis will be useful for the application of B2C model in the real estate industry.

 【Key Words】E-commerce; Real Estate;  B 2 C Model

目   录

1  房地产信息化发展概述................................................. 2
1. 1 房地产信息化阶段 ...................................................2
1.2房地产中介企业电子商务发展现状 .......................................2
2  房地产中介企业B TO C电子商务模式分析 .................................5
2.1 房地产B TO C模式概念 ................................................5
2.2 房地产B TO C模式交易的三个阶段 ......................................5
2.3卖房者和买房者参与房产中介商网上撮合................................. 7
3  B TO C模式下房地产的优势 .............................................9
3.1 节省成本,控制信用危机 ..............................................9
3.2 跨区域的经营和管理 ..................................................9
3.3 商业模式直销化 ......................................................9
4  分析房地产中介在B TO C模式中应用面临的问题 ...........................9
4.1 缺乏网络互动性与整合性 ..............................................9
4.2信息化建设停留在表面现象 .............................................10
4.3房地产中介缺乏电子商务品牌意识 .......................................11
4.4 房地产电子商务安全支付问题无法解决 ..................................12
5  房地产电子商务模式面临的对策 .........................................12
5.1 借鉴美国中介经验,实现B TO C 模式的整合性 ...........................12
5.2 建设房地产信息化的至高阶段 ..........................................13
5.3 建立形象网站,树立品牌 ..............................................13
5.5加强诚信安全建设,解决支付无法交易难题 ...............................14
6  结论 .................................................................16
参考文献 ................................................................17
致谢 ...................................................................18

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