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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ043    论文字数:9334,页数:14

摘    要


【关键词】电子商务  C2C   网络营销  在线推广 



The application of Internet makes it possible for people to do shopping over Internet, and attracts the massive people to register their own shops in the C2C transaction platform. In the severe market competition, it is an urgent matter for enterprises how to make their small shop popular among multitudes of shops and well-known. At moment, many shop owners are in the stage of the building and promotion of their E-shop. The article firstly analyzes the present domestic and foreign research situation of E- marketing in 2006, and then elaborates the evolution from the traditional marketing promotion theory to the network marketing promotion theory. Next from the perspectives of shop owners,  it enumerates a series of promoting strategies about C2C electronic-commerce E-shop. For example, the integration of online promotion, wireless promotion and offline promotion can reduce the malpractices for the sole method. Finally, the paper analyzes some questions which exist in promotion for E- shops and offers several countermeasures.

【Key Words】 E-Commerce;C2C;E-Marketing;Online Promotion


目  录

1  引言 ......................................................2
1.1 选题目的和意义 ...........................................2
1.2 国内研究现状 .............................................2
1.3 本文的主要内容 ...........................................3
2  营销推广的理论分析 ........................................3
2.1 传统营销推广理论 .........................................3
2.2 网络营销推广理论 .........................................4
3  C2C电子商务网店的推广策略 .................................5
3.1 在线推广策略 .............................................5
3.2 无线推广策略 .............................................7
3.3 离线推广策略 .............................................8
4  C2C模式下网店推广存在的问题及对策 .........................8
4.1 C2C网店推广中存在的问题 ..................................8
4.2 解决C2C网店推广中存在问题的对策 ..........................10
5  结论 ......................................................12
参考文献 .....................................................13
致   谢 ......................................................14

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