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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM591  论文字数:10890.页数:19




 Housing services is one of the most important family consumption expenditure. The measurement of owner occupied housing services has been paid attention to by Chinese scholars together with the western scholars and is always one of the most disputed issues in last several decades. There are three major approaches to the measurement of owner occupied housing services in CPI,which are User cost approach, Acquisitions approach and Payments approach. Among them, User cost approach is widely adopted by many countries. But in implementing of User cost approach , various problems may arise. This paper discusses the treatment of the special problems caused by housing as uniquely produced consumer durables; the treatment of Owner Occupied Housing as a composite good of structure and land; and some of the costs that are tied to home ownership such as mortgage interest costs, property taxes, and maintenance and renovation expenditures are also considered.
KEYWORDS:CPI, Owner Occupied Housing, User Cost Approach

目 录
第一章 引言 1
第二章 住房作为唯一耐用消费品的处理 2
第三章 自有住房作为复合产品的处理 5
第四章 与自有住房相关的几项成本的处理 8
第一节 按揭利息成本的处理 8
第二节 房产税的处理 9
第三节 房屋保险的处理 9
第四节 维修费用的处理 10
第五节 交易成本的处理 13
第五章 结语 14
参考文献 15
致  谢 16

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