论文编号:GM744 论文字数:14174.页数:28
摘 要
Since the reform and opening up, especially since the 90s of the 20th century, China''''s foreign direct investment has made great achievements, China has become the largest foreign investment in developing countries for 18 consecutive years. At the same time, China''''s foreign trade exports increased rapidly, 2002 - 2007 China''''s export trade with an average annual growth rate of 28.9%. Large influx of foreign direct investment will bring great benefits to China''''s trade impact.
Firstly, the paper briefly reviewed FDI in China, and then briefly related to the classical theory of foreign direct investment, foreign direct investment focus on exploring the benefits of foreign trade in China. Econometric model of the FDI into China''''s foreign trade income on the relationship between the empirical analysis, FDI in China''''s foreign trade income derived complementary effect. Through this analysis, I hope that it can help to solve the FDI impact on our foreign trade income.
KEYWORDS:FDI,Foreign trade,Gains from trade
第一章 引言 1
一、研究的背景和意义 1
二、 国内外相关的研究综述 1
三、 研究思路、方法及本文的结构 3
第二章 我国吸收利用FDI与外贸收益的基本情况 4
第一节 我国吸收利用FDI的基本情况概述 4
一、我国吸收利用FDI的五个阶段 4
二、我国吸引利用FDI的主要特点 6
第二节 我国外贸的基本情况概述 8
第三节 简要总结 10
第三章 外商直接投资对我国外贸收益的相关理论 12
第一节 蒙代尔替代效应 12
第二节 小岛清互补效应 13
第三节 总结 14
第四章 FDI对我国外贸收益的影响分析 16
第一节 外商直接投资与我国外贸出口总额的实证分析 16
第二节 FDI对我国出口商品结构的影响 19
第五章 结论 21
第一节 实证结论及意义 21
第二节 创新与不足 21
第三节 建议 22
参考文献 23
致 谢 25