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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM100      论文字数:9555,页数:14

摘    要


【关键词】外商直接投资  同心圆多元化战略  经济增长

Since wholly foreign-owned enterprises, Chinese-foreign joint ventures and Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises have made a great devotion to the development of  Xiamen and have been the main power and the backbone, it should be an important and practical problem( not only at present, but also in the future) how to recognize FDI''''s importance of the national economy and how to have a better taking advantage of FDI in Xiamen. There have been few articles about FDI in Xiamen.  Because the thing in Xiamen is sensitive and different from the other city of China and relative to the situation between Taiwan and the mainland of China, even sometimes it''''s difficult to explain it using economic theories.
To begin with, the author summarized the theories and motives of FDI. Based on it, makes a thorough analysis of the importance of FDI to Xiamen''''s development. Next, the author reviews the history of FDI in Xiamen and analyses its features and combine it with the substantial to analyze why the foreign enterprises invest in Xiamen. Thus, set up a model of structure about the main factors having positive or negative influence over taking advantage of FDI in Xiamen and point out that the greatest negative one is the small market after analyzing those factors deeply.  At last, on basis of the whole thesis, the author put forward a suggestion -----give up the focused strategy while a related diversification strategy involving partly unrelated one should be adopted to build competitive advantages and take advantage of more FDI in Xiamen.It will accelerate economic growth of Xiamen.

【Key Words】 Foreign Direct Investment  Related Diversification Strategy
 Economic growth


目   录

1 导论 .......................................................2
1.1相关概念界定 ..............................................2
1.2文献综述 ..................................................2
1.3选题的由来 ................................................3
1.4结构安排 ..................................................3
2.厦门市利用外资和出口的情况特点分析 ........................3
2.1厦门市利用外资的基本情况和特点分析....................... 3
2.2 厦门市出口情况和特点分析 .................................6
3 外商直接投资对厦门市出口贸易有利影响 .......................7
3.1 促进出口量 ............................................7
3.2 出口商品结构优化 .........................................7
3.3 出口市场多元化 ...........................................7
3.4 增强本地企业的竞争能力 ...................................8
3.5 增加厦门的知名度 .........................................8
4 外商直接投资对厦门市出口贸易不利影响 .......................8
4.1外资来源地区分布较窄 ......................................8
4.2 缺乏具有较大影响力的大型企业 .............................9
4.3 引进外资造成恶性的竞争 ...................................9
4.4 利用外资扩张中的近台区位优势将逐步削弱................... 9
4.5 招商引资机制存在诸多不协调............................... 9
5. 厦门市利用外商直接投资政策建议 ............................10
5.1厦门市利用外商直接投资的战略选择 ..........................10
5.2 政策建议 .................................................11
参考文献..................................................... 13
致   谢 ......................................................14



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