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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ081  论文字数:13739,页数:22

摘  要


【关键词】VPN  IPSec协议  SSL协议



Virtual Private Network has gained more and more extensive application because of its merits, such as security, dependability, secretly and virtual, and the like. The Virtual Private Network’s foreground of market can’t underestimate. It becomes rather important to analyze the application of Virtual Private Network to enterprise with the development of Virtual Private Network.
The article mainly researches the problem that the application of Virtual Private Network to enterprise, and puts forward idiographic project to solve the problems it facing according to actual case. First, the article gives a brief account of some preliminary concepts, characteristic and the character of basic function related to Virtual Private Network; Second, to summarize advantages and disadvantages also the areas of application of every protocol by analyzing and comparing the technology of Virtual Private Network and the tunnel protocols, in order to supply advices for the enterprises which want to construct network of corporation; Third, The article discusses the practical application of Virtual Private Network to enterprise and bringing forward equal project according to the example of a certain reality company in Guangdong ; Finally, the article presents the obstacle and develops the application of Virtual Private Network to enterprise facing.
Not only improve the efficiency of data transmission, but also can economize the cost of enterprise communication by using Virtual Private Network. Gradually it is gaining good graces from enterprise, and becomes the important target of network service providers who develop network telecommunication business.

【key words】VPN  IPSec protocol  SSL protocol

目  录
VPN在企业中的应用分析 .............................................2
1  引言 ...........................................................2
2  VPN的概述 ......................................................2
2.1 VPN的基本概念................................................. 2
2.2 VPN的特点 .....................................................3
2.3 VPN的基本功能特征 .............................................3
3  VPN的相关技术、协议及应用模式比较分析 ..........................4
3.1 VPN的相关技术 .................................................4
3.2 典型的隧道协议 ................................................5
3.3 隧道协议比较分析 ..............................................7
4  VPN在企业中的具体应用分析...................................... .9
4.1 VPN的应用..................................................... .9
4.2企业VPN的解决方案 ..............................................10
4.3企业应用VPN的益处 ..............................................17
5  VPN在企业中的应用发展及展望 ....................................19
5.1 VPN在企业中应用发展的制约因素................................ .19
5.2 VPN在企业中应用发展的展望 .....................................19
参考文献 ..........................................................21
致  谢............................................................ 22

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