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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM071    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:11457,页数:15

摘   要


【关键词】CRM  宝洁CRM本土化  CRM系统  CRM实施对策


The competition of Economic globalization has made the custom to be the one of most important recourses in enterprise. The option of the custom in most degree decide the live and development of the enterprise. The market had gradually changed to buyer’s market from seller’s market. And the management also changed from product-orientation to customer-orientation. CRM is gradually developing as the change of market management orientation and has more and more important effects.
The CRM begin to development from the middle of 1990’s. in the recent 10 years , CRM isn’t in full of use and operation. Especially for enterprise of china, although they have a clear understanding of CRM, but they less the ability to take it into practice, which make CRM just operating in big enterprise such as Finance、Exchange and Telecom. The lack use of CRM has caused bad effect to their development. Especially now the foreign enterprises had entered into Chinese market and our enterprises has more competition stress. If not make good use of CRM, our enterprises will face threatens in their process of development.
The thesis give simple summarize of CRM, and make the operation of CRM in P&G as an instance, give a elaborate of the importance of CRM, summarize the key factors and counter-policy, and hope to give some enlightenments to the operation of our enterprise.

【Key Words】CRM; Localization of CRM in P&G; CRM System; Countermeasure of CRM

目   录

1 引言 .................................2
1.1 CRM的主要功能 ......................2
1.2 CRM的意义 ..........................3
1.3 中国企业CRM现状 ....................4
2 宝洁公司CRM的实施 ....................5
2.1 宝洁实施CRM的思路 ..................5
2.2 宝洁中国本土化的CRM应用 ............6
2.3 宝洁对CRM系统的应用 ................8
3宝洁实施CRM给国内企业的经验启示 .......10
3.1 实施CRM成功的关键因素 ..............10
3.2 实施CRM的对策 ......................12
参考文献 ...............................14
致   谢 ................................15

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