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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ063  论文字数:9817,页数:17

摘   要


【关键词】电子商务   汽车行业    商务模式    选择


With the rapid development of high-tech which represent of information technique, the alteration and improvement of traditional industry becomes very important. As the mainstay of traditional industry, E-commerce will be the only way of auto industry development, decides by its characteristics and international position.
This thesis starts with the current status of informationization construction. Firstly, it describes the necessary and important aspects of E-commerce using in auto industry. Secondly, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce through analyzing JMC’s mode of E-commerce sale and purchase. And it presents the E-commerce mode based on the characteristics of auto industry, which also called the E-commerce mode based on supply chain. This mode is the ideally one in the E-commerce auto industry. It can reduce the production cost and sale cost consequently brings a new production mode to the enterprise though improving production efficiency. So that it can reach the goal of enhancing the holistic competitive ability of auto industry.

【Key Words】E-commerce; The automobile industry; Business mode ; Choice.


目   录

1.   引言................................................... 2
1.1  研究目的和意义......................................... 2
1.2  国内外现状 .............................................2
1.3  论文的创新与不足 .......................................3
2.   电子商务与汽车行业 .....................................4
2.1  汽车行业开展电子商务的必要性........................... 4
2.2  汽车行业电子商务模式选择............................... 5
3.  江铃汽车集团的电子商务模式 .............................7
3.1  江铃汽车销售电子商务B2C模式 ............................8
3.2  江铃汽车采购电子商务模式B2B模式 ........................9
3.3  试析江铃集团电子商务模式的特点和不足................... 9
4.  符合汽车行业特点电子商务的模式及实施建议 ...............12
4.1  实施基于供应链的电子商务模式 ...........................12
4.2  实施汽车行业电子商务模式的建议 .........................13
5.  结论 ...................................................15
参考文献 ....................................................16
致    谢 ....................................................17

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