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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ028       包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:12422,页数:17

摘    要


【关键词】电子商务 汽车企业 实施策略



After China’s entrance of WTO, the automobile enterprises in our country face not only opportunities but also challenges. It is a big issue for automobile enterprises to enhance their competitiveness. However, E-commerce, as a tendency, is an efficient tool for the enterprises to perform efficient management and to sharpen their competitive edges.
The paper puts forward the strategies for Chinese automobile enterprises to develop E-commerce by analyzing the current situations of domestic automobile enterprises and difficulties in E-commerce operation. Firstly, the paper introduces the developing situation of E-commerce in China; Secondly, it demonstrates the necessity and feasibility that E-commerce can be practiced in our automobile enterprises. Thirdly, the paper analyzes a successful story that foreign a well-known automobile enterprise abroad conducts E-commerce; Finally, the paper advances the strategies of operating E-commerce for Chinese automobile enterprises. It is believed that automobile enterprises can increase their economic efficiency through effective E-commerce model.

【Key Words】E-commerce; Automobile Enterprises; Operation Strategy


 目  录

1  引言 ....................................................2
1.1研究背景 ................................................2
1.2国内外研究状况 ..........................................2
2  电子商务与汽车企业概述 ..................................3
2.1国内外电子商务发展现状分析 ..............................3
2.2世界汽车企业的发展趋势 ..................................4
2.3WTO下我国汽车企业面临的挑战............................. 5
2.4我国汽车行业发展电子商务的必要性和可行性 ................6
3  电子商务在汽车企业的应用及面临的问题 ....................7
3.1汽车行业电子商务发展模式 ................................7
3.2我国汽车企业电子商务的发展状况 ..........................8
3.3我国汽车企业电子商务实施中存在的问题分析................ 9
4  我国汽车企业电子商务实施对策及成功案例分析 ..............11
4.1我国汽车企业实施电子商务的对策分析 ......................11
4.2福特汽车的电子商务实施研究 ..............................14
5  总结与展望 ..............................................15
5.1总结 ....................................................15
5.2展望 ....................................................15
参考文献 ...................................................16
致谢 .......................................................17

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