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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM119      论文字数:11913,页数:19

摘    要


【关键词】长江三角洲 珠江三角洲 对外贸易 比较分析


Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta have the highest developing level, largest economic volume, highest actual strength in China. In addition, they are the economic zones which have the most vigorous developing volatility and potential.
However, the foreign trade scale, major import & export products, major import & export targeting countries and international trade modes are differentiate in some extent. These differences are caused by the following reasons: the time of the reform and opening-up policy, investing environment, absorbing foreign funds, economic developing formula and culture differences. This essay gives a thorough analysis of all these elements involved. Referring to the future development paths of the two regions, they will sustain the superior and leading states in the whole country. Moreover, they will also appear some new characteristics: deepened intra-regional integration, upgraded industrial structure, strengthened comprehensive economic capability and so on.
The Yangtze River delta and Pearl River delta have plenty of mutual supplements that will enable them to work coordinately with each other. After China’s entering WTO, these two economic zones should dilute financial frontier. With the help of resource consolidation, they will stimulate the co-development, heighten the co-strength and co-competitiveness. Therefore, we will promote the finance, commerce, transportation standard and achieve the prosperity of the two regions at last.

【Key words】Yangtze River delta; Pearl River delta; foreign trade; compared analysis

目   录
1.引言 ....................................................2
2.长江三角洲和珠江三角洲外贸发展差异比较 ..................2
2.1两地进出口规模比较 ......................................2
2.2主要进出口产品的比较 ....................................3
2.3主要进出口国别的比较 ....................................4
2.4 贸易方式的比较 .........................................5
3.长江三角洲和珠江三角洲外贸发展差异的原因分析 .............6
3.1 对外开放时间的差异 .....................................6
3.2 两地环境的差异 .........................................6
3.3 吸引外资的差异 .........................................8
3.4 经济模式的差异 .........................................10
3.5两地文化及其它的差异 ....................................11
4. 长江三角洲和珠江三角洲对外贸易发展对策 ..................12
4.1 长江三角洲 .............................................12
4.2 珠江三角洲 .............................................13
5. 发展长江三角洲和珠江三角洲对外贸易的战略选择 ............14
5.1 长江三角洲 .............................................14
5.2 珠江三角洲 .............................................15
6.结论 .....................................................16
参考文献 ...................................................18
致   谢.................................................... 19

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