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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM581  论文字数:12658.页数:23

摘  要

关键词:产业集聚、 专业市场、 义乌小商品市场  


 Zhejiang is a higher degree of market area. In Zhejiang Province the market throughout the process of spontaneous emergence of the phenomenon of industrial clustering. Yiwu small commodity manufacturing and specialized market concentration is one typical case. The author tries to analyze the status of Yiwu, the accumulation of the manufacturing sector, take a special industrial development model Yiwu, and then found to Yiwu Small Commodity Market in the core of the industry and markets division of collaborative networks of specialized industrial agglomeration economy to build the core of the professional market competitiveness, speed up the market to upgrade the professional play a significant role in promoting; diversification of industrial clustering effect on the positive role of the professional development of the market is relatively obvious, but the formation of excessive competition is detrimental to the market, namely, a certain negative impact on industrial agglomeration       
 KEYWORD:Industry agglomeration,  Specialized market, Small commodity market of  Yiwu


第一章  引言 1
第一节 现象的提出和研究意义 1
第二节 研究的思路与方法 1
第三节 论文的框架与研究内容 2
第二章  产业集聚的概念和相关理论 3
第一节 产业集聚的发展历程 3
第二节 产业集聚的理论研究 5
第三节 浙江产业集群与区域经济发展 7
第三章 对产业集聚的水平测度 9
第一节   对产业集聚的水平测度方法 9
第二节 义乌小商品主要产业水平测度实证研究 10
第四章  浙江省义乌小商品市场的集聚优势及问题 12
第一节 义乌商品市场集聚的优势 12
第二节 义乌小商品市场发展现状以及问题 13
第五章 相应策略 15
第六章 总结 16
【参考文献】 17
致  谢 18

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