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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM619  论文字数:10959.页数:22

产业集聚研究 — 以广东高技术产业为例
摘  要



 With the economic globalization and the enchancing trends of integration, the development of regional industries and spatial organizations are facing the unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Industrial agglomeration, as an important organisational forms of regional industries, is playing an increasing important role in the economic development of each countries and has become the mainstream of the economic development.
 Currently the industrial agglomeration has become an important force in advancing the economic development in our country. One of the important factors of the sustained increasing growth of the economy in GuangDong province is there are many industrial agglomeration regions, whose rapid development has driven the increasing growth of the economy. Therefore, the study of GuangDong industrial agglomeration relates directly to the development of GuangDong''''s reserved momentum of the economiy, through the study on it we can provide several valuable suggestions for the establishment of the strategy of GuangDong''''s economic development.
KEYWORDS:Industrial Agglomeration, The High Technology
Industry in GuangDong, Spatial Gini Coefficient


第一章  引言 1
第一节 选题的背景和意义 1
第二节 研究内容及方法 1
第二章  产业集聚理论综述 3
第一节 产业集聚的内涵、类型和特征 3
第二节 产业集聚的成因和竞争优势 4
第三节 产业集聚理论国内外研究概况 7
第三章  广东高技术产业集聚实证研究 9
第四章  广东高技术产业的发展现状和问题 11
第一节 广东高技术产业的发展现状 11
第二节 广东高技术产业发展存在的主要问题 11
第五章  相应对策 13
第六章  结论 15
【参考文献】 16

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