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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM545  论文字数:17303.页数:22

摘  要

关键词:社会网络  产业集群    作用


 Social network theory is not only  popular with scholars in the field of sociological research, but also more and more scholars are interested in studying it in other field, such as economics, management, marketing, and information science. It is also normal to find the phenomenon that numerous interdisciplinary research is universal in the same field . From the angle of the combination of sociology and economics, this paper ascends the social network theory,expounds the function of social network theory in the process of  industrial clusters’  forming ,developing and upgrading in China . Not only does it save the costs of negotiating , trading and administrating , it reduces the costs of obtaining the information and resources. Besides, it promotes the competition and cooperation among firms in the clusters , and decreases the unhealthy tendencies which includes riding by free , lemon market and so on .In addition ,it promotes firm innovation in the clusters  and improves the competitiveness of the entire cluster.
KEYWORDS: social networks  ,  industrial clusters  ,  function

第一章    引言 1
第二章   社会网络的研究 2
 第一节   社会网络的概念 2
 第二节  社会网络理论的研究 3
第三章  社会网络在我国产业集群演进中的作用 5
 第一节  社会网络在我国产业集群形成中的作用 5
 第二节 社会网络在我国产业集群发展中的作用 6
 第三节 社会网络在我国产业集群升级中的作用 8
第四章  温州柳市低压电器产业集群案例分析 11
 第一节  柳市低压电器产业集群概况 11
 第二节  柳市低压电器产业集群的形成 11
 第三节  柳市低压电器产业集群的发展 12
 第四节  柳市低压电器产业集群的升级 14
第五章  结论 17
参考文献 18
致  谢 20

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