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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM252  论文字数:11791,页数:17

摘    要


【关键词】彩电行业  东盟市场机遇  反倾销  “走出去”战略  品牌推广



Under the economic globalization and quick development of district economy , China will establish free trade area with ASEAN, which will bring opportunities to the Chinese corporations. The purpose of this article is to analyze the opportunities of Chinese color television industry in ASEAN market. Firstly this article gives a brief introduction to the coordination between China and ASEAN, and current development of Chinese color television industry. Secondly it carries on thorough analysis on ''''ASEAN opportunity'''' of this field. It also Analyzes the internal factors and external conditions, and internal factors are mainly including '''' out-going '''' strategy and  regional ''''anti-dumping'''' to Chinese color television in developed nations like Europe and America, etc. The external conditions explain the geography advantages of ASEAN market, the beneficial resources policy and opportunities by which Chinese color television industry enters ASEAN market. It still analyzes the risk and barriers of large scale of Chinese color television to get into ASEAN market.  At last, based on basic analysis, it gives the advise on how to increase the Chinese color televisions share in ASEAN market.

【Key Words】Color TV Industry; ''''ASEAN opportunity'''';  Anti-dumping;  ''''Out-going'''' strategy;  Brand promotion

  目   录

1 中国彩电行业在东盟的发展现状 ......................................2
1.1中国与东盟经贸合作简介 ...........................................2
1.2 中国彩电业在东盟的发展现状 ......................................2
2 中国彩电行业在东盟的机遇''''分析 .....................................3
2.1内外动因 .........................................................3
2.2条件时机 .........................................................6
2.3 中国彩电行业大规模进入东盟市场存在的阻碍 .......................11
3 中国彩电行业开拓东盟市场的措施 ...................................13
3.1 彩电企业提高产品技术含量,以高品质争夺市场 .....................13
3.2 加强在东盟市场的品牌推广 .......................................14
4 小结 .............................................................15

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