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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM180 包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:9727,页数:16

摘  要


【关键词】经济全球化   对外直接投资    跨国公司 


As the economy globalization goes deeply, and foreign direct investment (FDI) has become the important link which connects the economy of different countries. Our country should not only absorb the foreign capital but encourage the enterprise of our country which has advantages to invest in another country. We should develop the multinational enterprises of our own. In a long sight, it has momentous current significance and long-term strategy significance. 
This thesis selects one of the most important parts of China’s foreign direct investment as topic--China’s foreign direct investment to America. Through analysis the theory of foreign direct investment, especially the theory of foreign direct investment in developing countries and the current situation of China’s foreign direct investment, this thesis analyzes the current situation of China’s direct investment to America, the problem existed in the China’s Direct investment to America and the purpose of investment. At last the thesis sums up a few suggestion on China’s foreign investment to America.

【Key Words】Economy Globalization  Foreign Direct Investment  Multinational Enterprises


目   录

1   中国对外直接投资的理论依据 ............................2
1.1 对外直接投资的概念与特点 ..............................2
1.2 中国对外直接投资理论依据 ..............................3
2   中国对美直接投资的现状及内在动因 ......................3
2.1 中国对美直接投资的现状 ................................3
2.2 引力模型对中国对美直接投资的实证分析.................. 5
2.3 中国对美直接投资的内在动因 ............................7
3   中国对美直接投资存在的趋势与对策 ......................10
3.1 中国对美直接投资面临的新形势 ..........................10
3.2 中国对美直接投资的新思路 ..............................13
参考文献 ..................................................15
致    谢 ..................................................16

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