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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM536  论文字数:20125.页数:29

摘  要
关键词:国际贸易    中国农产品出口贸易   竞争优势
 The Research Of Chinese Agricultural Product Export Trade problem

The Chinese agricultural product export trade development has the important influence China''''s national economy. This article main analysis our country agricultural product export trade present situation, nowadays in the basis of question in the Chinese agricultural product trade and proposes some related countermeasures. That cause China in the intense international market neutrality to the invincible position,  These for year Chinese agricultural product export trade occupies the small space in the international market is the labor-intensive product, Because in these products has labor force cost low superiority and geography superiority and so on.  But in the knowledge economy time, depends on the benefit which the labor-intensive form takes is only not impossible, we must depend upon the technical strength, Improves the agricultural product quality; enhances the agricultural products processing technology. Simultaneously also must rely on the biological technology to develop some new varieties to adapt the market new change, When sees our country agricultural product exportation superiority, also must see our country inferiority which exists in the agricultural product export trade aspect, for example our country government support dynamics is not high to the agriculture; Lacks the effective agriculture management main body and formidable agricultural organization system and so on. The China agricultural enterprise when faces own existence the difficult problem, Also must deal with the complex changeable unfair agricultural trade environment,for example the technical barrier, the customs duty barrier, instead dumps ,"especially guarantees the provision" and new trade barrier and so on. The current majority China agriculture trade enterprise already started to take them above which met in the agricultural international trade development to have the problem,Therefore also formulates the plan, enhances own competitive advantage. 
KEYWORDS:International trade,   Chinese agricultural product export trade,  Competitive advantage         
第一章  引 言 1
第一节  选题的背景与意义 1
第二节  研究内容 1
第三节  研究综述 2
一、国外一些学者的研究 2
二、国内一些学者的研究 3
第二章  我国农产品对外贸易的现状分析 4
第一节  2006年我国农产品对外贸易形势分析 4
第二节 我国农产品贸易的动态变化 6
一、2005年中国农产品进出口贸易基本情况 6
二、2005年中国农产品进出口贸易的主要特点 6
三、2006年中国农产品进出口贸易特点 7
第三章  我国农产品贸易的国际环境问题 9
第一节  关税壁垒 9
一、关税壁垒含义和常见形式 9
二、中国农产品贸易面对关税壁垒问题 9
三、结论 10
第二节 技术性贸易壁垒与争端 11
一、技术性贸易壁垒的含义及形式 11
二、技术壁垒对我国农产品出口贸易的影响 11
三、中国农产品出口企业的应对之策 12
第三节 反倾销、“特保条款”和新型贸易壁垒 12
一、反倾销 12
二、“特保条款”和新型贸易壁垒 13
三、我国应对特保机制的五点建议 14
第四节 不公平的国际农业竞争环境 15
第四章  提高我国出口农产品贸易竞争力的对策 17
第一节 通过农业产业化实现规模经济,降低农业生产成本 17
第二节 加大国家对我国农业的政策保护力度 17
一、运用《农业协议》中的“绿箱政策”,创造企业利益 17
二、利用“黄箱政策”支持空间 18
第三节  加快农业科技进步,提高农产品质量及科技含量 18
第四节 积极采用国际标准,实现与国际标准接轨 18
第五节  对采用国际标准的几点看法 19
第五章 全文总结 21
一、积极调整我国农业的结构,促进升级 21
二、完善农业国内支持政策,提高支持效率 21
三、应要求发达国家农业政策回归WTO框架 22
[参考文献] 23

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