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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM132     论文字数:6589,页数:11

摘   要


【关键词】国际技术贸易 中国移动 合作贸易  3G  TD-SCDMA

In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the economic internationalization and integration paces accelerates, various essential productive factors as the key element:capital increase in international trade. The way of international economy cooperation and contact becoming more and more diverse. With the increasing of international techniques market competition,The international technical trade gradually is becoming the important constituent in international economy cooperation,and receives the universal attention from various countries. This article is precisely from the angle of Chinese biggest telecommunication operation which is called China Mobile, analyse the motivation of foreign capital Nokia enters in China Mobile South Base,and put forward some positive proposal to the international technical trade cooperation of China Mobile and Nokia in the period of new communication standard connects with the old one. The paper includes three parts: The first part is to analyzes the motivation of the international technical trade cooperation of China Mobile and Nokia.The second part is to discusses the ways of their cooperation.The third part proposes on in present situation, which corresponding countermeasure them should carry on in the international technical trade. The epilogue is the summary of the idea of the paper: The present Chinese telecommunication industry cannot only take the communication standard which Chinese government had promulgated. We should analyse other communication standards in the world from different angles. Through the international technical trade method, with the domestic technology, fully manifests ''''the communication enhance nation, the economical enhance nation'''' the strategic mission.

【Key Words】The international technical trade; China Mobile; Cooperation trade; 3G; TD-SCDMA


目  录
引  言 ...............................................2
1  双方进行技术合作的动机分析 ........................2
1.1中国移动运营商的动机分析 ..........................2
1.2诺基亚设备供应商的动机分析........................ 4
2  双方进行国际技术合作的方式 ........................5
2.1充分利用战略伙伴已有资源进行合作生产贸易 ..........5
2.2通过许可证贸易 研发双标准之间的互通技术 ...........6
3  中国移动与诺基亚进行国际技术合作的对策 ............6
3.1正确对待外资进入,着眼“双赢”战略 ................6
3.2正确定位市场,让2G与3G时代并行 ....................7
3.3发布合理数量的3G牌照,为海外扩张做准备 ............8
结束语 ...............................................8
参考文献 .............................................10
致   谢 ..............................................11

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