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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:DZ040        包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:8525,页数:20

摘    要

本文将顾客满意(CS,customer satisfaction)引入到政府网站的测评领域,尝试从顾客满意的角度出发来考查中国政府网站的服务水平。首先,围绕政府网站的顾客满意度介绍基本概念与模型。接着,借鉴了应用较广的ACSI、ECSI及TAM模型,结合中国政府网站目前的具体情况,构建了中国政府网站顾客满意度模型,并对该模型进行了说明。最后,运用该模型通过调查问卷对某地地级市政府网站进行顾客满意度测评,为该政府网站提高顾客满意度提供若干建议。

【关键词】顾客满意度  政府网站  评估



With the rapidly development of E-government, the building of government website has attracted more and more attention. The evaluation of customer satisfaction about government website becomes the hot point in the E-government research, with the enrichment of the related theories and practices.
The concept of “customer satisfaction” is introduced into the field of government website’s evaluation. The paper evaluates the quality of online service of government website from the angle of customer satisfaction. Firstly, the paper introduces the basic theory and model from the aspect of customer satisfaction. Secondly, based on the main frame of ACSI, ECSI and TAM model, the paper establishes customer satisfaction model of Chinese government website, combining the specific situation; Lastly, the paper gives some advice of improving the customer satisfaction through the questionnaires using the model.

【Key Words】customer Satisfaction; Government Website; Evaluation


  目  录

 绪言......................................... 2
1  研究背景与思路 .............................2
1.1 顾客的界定 ................................2
1.2 研究背景 ..................................2
1.3 研究目的与思路 ............................3
2  基本概念与模型 .............................4
2.1政府网站 ...................................4
2.2 CS概念 ....................................4
2.3模型介绍 ...................................5
2.4 中国政府网站的现状 ........................7
3  评估模型的设计 .............................8
3.1模型设计原则 ...............................8
3.2构念模型设计 ...............................8
3.3 测量模型分析 ..............................10
4  实证研究 ...................................11
4.1 研究方法 ..................................11
4.2 数据分析 ..................................13
5  调查结论、建议及研究限制 ...................15
5.1调查结论 ...................................15
5.2 网站建议 ..................................15
5.3 研究限制 ..................................16
参考文献 ......................................17
致    谢 ......................................18
附录:调查问卷 ................................19

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