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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM105    论文字数:10535,页数:15

摘   要


【关键词】海外呆帐  应收帐款  信用风险管理  风险防范机制



International trade is more and more popular as China’s reform and open     policy put into use. However, the overseas account receivable question becomes obvious. At present, the overseas account receivable of Chinese export enterprise is over at least 100 billion dollars and most of it has become bad debts, with a growing speed of 15 billion dollars every year.
This thesis firstly deeply discuss some main concepts’ s definition, such as Overseas bad debts. In Chapter1,this thesis  provides also an overview of the correlation study in home and abroad. The author thinks, to enhance the credit administration for the import enterprise, we should guard against the overseas bad debt risk effectively by credit appraised,credit insurance, credit warning and so on. Owe to the bad credit management of Chinese  company,incapable of pursuing the overseas debts and the legal barriers and many other factors that cause the overseas account receivable question to be serious. It’s necessary to establish the export risk control mechanism. There are three steps of overseas risk management for export companies, which are risk prevention before occur, risk control when occur and danger settlement after occur. The export companies must make regular analyses of running condition of account receivable in the daily management, find some problems in time and prevent the account receivable to be worsen by taking precautions early.

【Key Words】Overseas bad debts;     Account  receivable; 
Credit risk management;   Risk guard mechanism

  目   录

1  引言 ...............................................1
1.1什么是呆帐......................................... 1
1.2国内外研究情况 .....................................2
1.3 本文写作思路 ......................................2
2  我国企业海外呆帐的发展情况 .........................3
3  出口企业海外呆帐的成因 .............................4
3.1企业主要营销模式--赊销 .............................4
3.2企业自身信用管理不完善............................. 5
3.3我国货代助推国外收货人侵占发货人货款 ...............5
3.4利用海外应收账款的手段侵吞企业资产 .................6
3.5规避海外投资管制................................... 6
4  海外呆帐对企业的影响及危害 .........................7
4.1影响企业的经济效益 .................................7
4.2影响资金流动引发经济危机 ...........................8
5  出口企业海外呆帐的应对策略......................... 9
5.1加强对进口企业的信用管理 ...........................9
5.2强化应收帐款的日常管理 .............................10
5.3建立对出口风险的控制机制 ...........................11
参考文献 ..............................................13
致   谢 ...............................................14

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