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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/29


论文编号:GM658  论文字数:14683.页数:26

摘  要


The impact on China''''s export tax rebates and Electrical Industry

 Since the adjustment of the export tax rebate has been in a very significant role in China''''s export Kai. especially in terms of China''''s mechanical and electrical products are inextricably linked. As China''''s export tax rebates since its implementation since the reform and opening up and economic development have undergone many changes with the country''''s economic development is in fact continuously refined and standardized. With the constant improvement in the export rebate policy have the impact of China''''s export products. And the mechanical and electrical industries, as China''''s leading industries, the export growth rate in recent years very rapidly. China for eight consecutive years has become the major export products in an important position in China''''s foreign trade export. Electrical Industry, the export of a sustained, stable and rapid growth of the nation''''s foreign trade export growth and made important contributions to the healthy development of the national economy. Of course, The rapid growth of exports of electromechanical products, a large number of foreign multinational companies not only from mechanical and electrical manufacturing enterprises transferred to the Chinese market, and my "invigorating trade through science and technology" in implementing policies, mechanical and electrical industries in the state loans, insurance export tax rebates to encourage and support the policy are inseparable. This paper studies the export tax rebate policy for the mechanical and electrical industries.
KEYWORDS:export rebates;mechanical and electrical products industry;
第一章  引言 1
第一节 选题意义与目的 1
第二节 研究内容与研究方法 1
第二章 我国出口退税政策的发展演变 2
第一节 出口退税的概念 2
概念 2
理论依据 2
第二节 出口退税发展的几个阶段.  3
出口退税的产生 3
出口退税的发展 3
第三节 目前出口退税的计算方法以及退税的具体步骤 4
计算出口退税的方式及退税步骤 4
计算方法 4
第四节 与国外出口退税制度的比较 5
一、国外出口退税制度介绍 5
二、国外的出口退税政策对我国一些借鉴 6
第三章 我国机电产业的出口现状 7
第一节 机电产业的概念和分类 7
第二节 机电产业发展现状及存在问题 7
机电产业的产生和发展 7
存在问题 8
第三节 我国机电产业的出口方向 9
从我国机电产业主要出口国来看 9
从我国的主要出口产品来看 10
第四章  出口退税对机电产业的影响 11
第一节 历年来出口退税中机电产业退税政策的变化 11
第二节 宏观角度解读出口退税对机电产业的总体影响 12
有利影响 12
不利影响 12
第三节 从机电产业的具体行业来看出口退税对机电产业的影响 13
第四节 出口退税对机电产业结构影响的基本判断 14
一、从商品结构上看 14
二、从经营主体结构上看  14
三、从国内出口地区结构上看 14
四、其他 15
第五节 目前机电行业出口退税存在的一些问题 15
第五章 进一步完善出口退税政策,促进我国机电产业发展 16
第一节 从政府制定的角度 16
加强出口退税政策引导 16
其它政策支持 16
第二节 从行业规范的角度 17
打造自主创新自主产品 17
培育品牌出口企业 17
第三节 从企业自身的角度 17
适当的提价 17
两条路一起走 17
抓准时机加快高新技术的发展 18
第六章 总结 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21

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