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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM176  包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:11089,页数:16

摘  要

    随着中国对外开放的程度日益加深和不断履行中国加入世界贸易组织的承诺,中国的投资环境不断优化,中国庞大的国内市场吸引着越来越多的国外公司进入中国。而随着跨国公司对国内的生产、市场、资本、人力资源等依赖度增加,本地化经营成为其在华发展的基本方针。现代管理学理论普遍认为, 海外企业最核心的战略就是实现本土化, 剖析跨国公司在中国经营成功的秘诀, 结论亦为成功的中国本土化营销。
【关键词】跨国公司  本土化  宝洁  影响




As the deepening china’s opening, and the implementation of China’s promises when joined in WTO, China’s investment environment has been optimized. The vast domestic market is attractive to more and more TNCs (transnational corporations). And TNCs have further depended on domestic production, marketing, capital, human resource; the localized management becomes their route which TNCs develop in china based on. In modern management theories  overseas Enterprise’ cored strategy is localization. To analyze the, the conclusion of secret of TNCs’ success in China is the successful Chinese localization of marketing.
Since entering into China 19 years ago, P&G Corporation has owed “rejoice, head shoulders, safeguard” as its localization brand in China. It is no problem that P&G has successfully entered into Chinese marketing in the aspect of localization marketing. The first part of this thesis elaborates the theory of Multinational Corporation. The second part illustrates P&G corporation localization tendency in our country. The third part is to give brief analysis on the reason of localization. The fourth part states the influence on our economy. The fifth part is some measure we should take. The last is summary.

【Key Word】TNCs  Localization   P&G    influence

  目   录

1.  跨国公司本土华理论综述........................................... 2
1.1 跨国公司理论..................................................... 2
1.2 跨国公司本土化理论 ...............................................3
2.  跨国公司在华的本土化策略——以宝洁在华本土化为例 .................3
2.1 营销本土化 .......................................................4
2.2 人力资源本土化................................................... 4
2.3 研发本土化  ......................................................4
2.4 产品品牌的本土化 .................................................5
2.5 企业文化的本土化................................................. 5
3.  跨国公司本土化的动因 .............................................5
3.1 突破贸易壁垒。................................................... 5
3.2 消除文化差异的需要............................................... 6
3.4 市场竞争更加激烈 .................................................7
3.  全球战略的必然选择 ...............................................7
4.  跨国公司本土化对我国经济的影响 ...................................8
4.1 正面影响 .........................................................8
4.2 负面影响 .........................................................10
5.  我国应对国跨公司本土化采取的措施................................. 12
6.  结束语 ...........................................................14
参考文献. ............................................................15
致谢 .................................................................16

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