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来源: 联系QQ:点击这里给我发消息 作者: 用户投稿 来源: 网络 发布时间: 15/08/30


论文编号:GM223    包括:开题报告及任务书,论文字数:10512,页数:15

摘   要


【关键词】跨国公司 跨国并购  战略部署



As the deepening of China’s reform and opening and the implementation of different kinds of policies after China’s access to WTO, China would provide more comfortable and ascendant environment as well as more opportunities to multinational M&A. So multinational M&A becomes focus among everybody in China. With the number of cross-border M&A increase, these foreign multinational corporations bring both opportunities and challenges to our local companies.
Chinese companies are going to face a storm of M&A. Multinational corporations’ merging of local companies will become a necessary trend under the background of globalization. Chinese government and local companies should consider how to deal with this kind of challenges. This assay analyses and discusses the trend of multinational M&A based on acquisition of Supor Company of China by French SEB Company, which caused widely attention of the public in 2006. First of all, the assay is to outline and analyze it from different positions. Then the trend, cause, opportunities and challenges of multinational M&A will be emphasized on. At last, some advices on how to deal with this kind of international M&A is going to be put forwards.

【Key Words】Multinational Corporation; Cross-border M&A; Strategies


 目  录

1   导言 ....................................................2
1.1 跨国并购背景............................................ 2
1.2 国内相关研究现状 ........................................3
1.3 法国SEB并购苏泊尔案例概述 ...............................3
2   法国SEB等跨国公司在华并购的趋势与动因 ...................5
2.1 法国SEB等跨国公司在华并购趋势 ...........................5
2.2 法国SEB等跨国公司在华并购动因 ...........................7
3   从法国SEB跨国并购看我国企业的机遇与挑战 .................9
3.1 跨国并购带给我国企业的发展机遇 ..........................9
3.2 跨国并购带来的威胁 ......................................10
4   我国企业在跨国并购浪潮中应对策略........................ 11
4.1 注意国际市场动态分析 ....................................11
4.2 战略规划适当 ............................................11
4.3 立足国内市场竞争 ........................................12
4.4 树立诚信意识 ............................................12
4.5 坚持品牌的持续发展 ......................................12
5   小结 ....................................................13
参考文献 ....................................................14
致谢 ........................................................15

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